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Everything posted by Arnold

  1. Arnold

    EE Sexist Ad

    They've got it in for women in general. Have you noticed how good looking women have been cancelled in advertising? Any old battleship will suffice now. Yet somehow it's not quite the same with blokes (yet). Buying some kecks this afternoon, I could not help but notice all the advertising on the packaging were of a medallion-wearing type of he-man with bulging muscles. Yet the women's section, as in many current TV ads, were depicted as overweight, ugly rhinos. @Cuntybaws remarked on this in another thread which in turn made me look at this shit a little closer. This woke shit is seeping into everyday life at a rate of knots and many, I fear, are allowing it to become the norm without questioning it.
  2. It was, in fact, a fair sum of money but I momentarily felt like being comedic in my nom if only to take the 'disgusted of Tunbridge' tone out of it.
  3. Mumbai is still Bombay, Cunty BigBollox, Snickers is still a Marathon, Cif is still Jif, and the Halifax will always be a building society. I don't keep up with the times because anything that isn't what it was is shite - if that makes any fucking sense. It all makes me weary.
  4. The Halifax has told its customers they can basically fuck off elsewhere if they don't like their stance on staff name badges regargarding gender identity. As this ridiculous shitfest carries on like a runaway train, I hurried down to my local Halifax and, outraged, withdrew my £2.75 and closed my account. Fuck 'em. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10972407/Halifax-suffers-exodus-customers-staff-pronoun-policy.html
  5. I'd like to see Boris shoved in your orifice. Preferable head first wearing a sea mine for a helmet.
  6. I've just switched on the telly and I'm left wondering where are all the ethnics in the crowds outside the Palace? Integration? Fuck off. I'll bet the BBC camera crews are busting a fucking gut looking for one to interview.
  7. I wonder if our grandparents' generation are looking down on us from above, and I wonder just what the fuck they might be thinking. I don't believe divine retribution exists but I hope to fuck it does.
  8. I was meandering through some old posts @Cuntybaws when I found the above. What do you think of this shit? I'd have given a link if only I knew how. It's from an LBC article.
  9. I've had his argument with Mrs A in the past. When I was at primary school we had school dinners at dinner time, some time between 12 and 1pm. Indeed, we were supervised by dinner ladies. At senior school, my old Mum gave me dinner money on a Monday morning to buy dinner tickets when I got to school. Of course we were no longer supervised by dinner ladies but we ate at around the same time - dinner time. I believe there was a TV comedy entitled 'Dinner Ladies'. I never watched it so I don't know what time of the day they were dinner lady-ing, but I'll bet it was between 12 and 1.30pm. They even said it on The Sweeny. Never in eleven years of primary and secondary education was the word lunch ever mentioned. Therefore, we have dinner at dinner time and tea at tea time. I rest my case. However, faithful to balancing an argument, cunts at colleges of further and higher education refer to the canteen as a refectory, so I suppose they must eat their dinner at lunch time. It's now ten past twelve and I am fucking off for my dinner.
  10. Oh well, she won't be going to any Rotary meetings in the near future.
  11. Old Chap, my dear, on a personal note, I'm pleased that you still have a big knob. Though how the fuck you've not worn the fucker down yet like I have is a mystery, perhaps it's my age. I seem to be getting on fine with the Corner, though I do find certain things confusing. There is much reference to names I don't know and I must say, I'm looking forward to meeting the fabled Punkape when he is released from wherever he's being held. Most on here are informative and amusing. But I don't much care for that terrorist-wannabe, Panzer bloke. I try to bunny hop over his comments as it buggers my digestion.
  12. Your last two sentences sums up how decent people might feel about this. There has been much said on this site recoiling from the sub-human, primitive and barbaric retributions apportioned by people of the peaceful religion, for example. Yet sometimes I feel it might be justified, and perhaps if just a little bit of this rubbed off on us, we may be in a position to bypass our pathetic judiciary and deal with this filth ourselves in a way that is quite fitting.
  13. Your cock must have looked really small in dem der massive hands mon, Raaaaaaaaaasclat, me old mate.
  14. It seems like you were right, @Eric Cuntman. Hand this lot over to the darkies and and true to type - violence and screaming. It makes me fucking sick.
  15. Don't piss about mincing your words, Eric. With a little more contemplation this could have been almost poetic.
  16. I’m - Jake - The - Muss deedle eedle eedle um With my knob of pus deedle eedle eedle um Whenever I cum I stick my thumb Right up my rancid, hairy bum I'm - Jake - The - Muss deedle eedle eedle um With my knob of pus deedle eedle eedle um. With insincere apologies to the big fucking pervert, Rolf.
  17. Get fucked, you rug-munching fucking pervert.
  18. Thank you. Though I didn't understand the bit about the screen going blank.... You sound angry, Eric. Is it a lack of good music to listen to, I wonder. I'm in little doubt it has been said before, but are you stressed, Eric? (I can't wade through six thousand posts to find out). That said, I do value your posts and opinions on this site, especially the angry ones.
  19. I've had a quick glimpse at the Cunts Corner Music Exchange thread and I really can't be arsed to trawl through much of the sticky shite that considers itself music on there. I'm slightly disappointed with the drivel some people like on here. Is there any Villa Lobos? Elgar, Purcell or Satie? Fucking shit.
  20. Fuck Tears for fucking Fears. Pile of fucking shit. Up there own smug, fucking arse wankers. Two bites of the cherry cunts.
  21. Arnold


    Considering the state of the world, this wouldn't be a bad thing.
  22. An Air Tag is the resultant explosive from your flatulent, prolapsed arsehole after twelve hours on Old Rosie Scrumpy, I should imagine. Good evening Cunty BigBollox.
  23. Fucking hell, how do you ever get the ironing done with all this shit going on?
  24. Mrs Roops, on a lighter note, is that you in your avatar? In my mind's eye I fancy the top bit resembles that Anglophile from The X Files, Karen Anderson. Don't disappointment now as I'm on the vinegar strokes.
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