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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    A thing of prosaic beauty....this post makes you stand back and admire the English Language, after sobbing uncontrollably...I’m now ‘in!’ Inspirational putridity, congrats to LCS.

    Posted before the author was aware that the said Axminster-chomper was so inclined? Remarkable visciousness that’s to be applauded.

  2. On 25/02/2018 at 14:15, Last Cunt Standing said:


    So this fucking creature has decided, in the midst of #metoo and the ongoing carnival of perpetual feminist outrage, that now would be a good time to weigh in on the subject of class. Apparently the snivelling cunt thinks she’s been deprived bundles more cash because she hails from bread-and-dripping land somewhere north of Leicester Forest services. 

    Might I suggest a few more reasons why you’ve “only just made it to six figures” for reading out corporate press releases on BBC Breakfast in what passes for business news? 

    Firstly, you are ugly as fuck. This matters in a visual medium. Looking like a pre-op transsexual with a brain injury might pass for acceptable on Teeside, given all those chemicals in the water, but if you think your gurning square head is an asset to BBC News, you are deluded. Secondly, your mangled vowels and drawled consonants might have turned on whichever truck-driving lesbian in BBC Casting you auditioned for, but for most people it’s like listening to a fucking concrete mixer. Thirdly, you are by no means an expert in your field, and having heard you grunt through many broadcasts it seems to me you wouldn’t know an ETF from a CDS and think reading the financial page in the Daily Mirror makes you Warren Buffett. Lastly your presenting skills are distinctintly third division, easily replicated, and we both know it’s only some tick-box bollocks that means you aren’t doing the traffic report on Radio Cleveland.

    You have the nerve to whine publicly that you are only paid four times the national average for reading aloud on the telly for an hour or two in the morning. You should be on your knees thanking whatever God you pray to that you have been so blessed, not wishing you were Fiona Bruce. Know your fucking place and keep your ugly Peter Beardsley lovechild head down you inarguable Cunt.

    Fuck off. 

    A thing of prosaic beauty....this post makes you stand back and admire the English Language, after sobbing uncontrollably...I’m now ‘in!’ Inspirational putridity, congrats to LCS.

    • Like 1
  3. On 02/10/2020 at 03:48, Rev said:

    This hook-nosed, jaundiced streak of cross-dressing, comedy-vacuum piss needs sealed in a concrete chamber with that other fat hairless lefty cottaging lesbian Matt Lucas and exposed to a canister or two of post-Weimar pesticide.

    Then incinerated.

    That is all.

    Ever thought of film critiqué.... Barry Norman would rotate, sub-terranially. After this, it fells like a light has been turned on.

  4. On 25/02/2018 at 14:15, Last Cunt Standing said:


    So this fucking creature has decided, in the midst of #metoo and the ongoing carnival of perpetual feminist outrage, that now would be a good time to weigh in on the subject of class. Apparently the snivelling cunt thinks she’s been deprived bundles more cash because she hails from bread-and-dripping land somewhere north of Leicester Forest services. 

    Might I suggest a few more reasons why you’ve “only just made it to six figures” for reading out corporate press releases on BBC Breakfast in what passes for business news? 

    Firstly, you are ugly as fuck. This matters in a visual medium. Looking like a pre-op transsexual with a brain injury might pass for acceptable on Teeside, given all those chemicals in the water, but if you think your gurning square head is an asset to BBC News, you are deluded. Secondly, your mangled vowels and drawled consonants might have turned on whichever truck-driving lesbian in BBC Casting you auditioned for, but for most people it’s like listening to a fucking concrete mixer. Thirdly, you are by no means an expert in your field, and having heard you grunt through many broadcasts it seems to me you wouldn’t know an ETF from a CDS and think reading the financial page in the Daily Mirror makes you Warren Buffett. Lastly your presenting skills are distinctintly third division, easily replicated, and we both know it’s only some tick-box bollocks that means you aren’t doing the traffic report on Radio Cleveland.

    You have the nerve to whine publicly that you are only paid four times the national average for reading aloud on the telly for an hour or two in the morning. You should be on your knees thanking whatever God you pray to that you have been so blessed, not wishing you were Fiona Bruce. Know your fucking place and keep your ugly Peter Beardsley lovechild head down you inarguable Cunt.

    Fuck off. 


  5. 53 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Sainsbury’s released a statement last week informing the racist nations of GB and NI that they have introduced safe spaces in their Sainsbury’s and Argos workplaces for BLACK employees to gather ‘safely’, in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. Maybe I haven’t been paying attention but I really haven’t heard of any black employees of these retailers being racially attacked or murdered by their white colleagues. That’s 2 more retailers I won’t be spending my money in. The fucking list is growing daily. I fucking despair.

    It’s only a matter of time, be patient & buy a can of ️ 

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