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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    It was funny because Ape is a Nigerian phone scammer.

    That’s no excuse. I’m fuckin stunned here! They say ‘never meet your hero’s especially if they’re cunts.’ You & are finished Eric...for tonight at least....cnut.

  2. Listen bellsniff....these scouse cunts are on another planet to any fuckin place in the UK. For a start, they think they’re immune, different, witty and a republic. They’re cunts and half of ENGLAND has been coming to Liverpool on the piss because the city and it’s bin-dipping residents have, if anything, treated Covid as a reason for mass congregation and party time...far more than normal, pretty muc( anywhere. Now they’re locked down, which they will ignore en masse...hence the post. So, get fucked and busy a hearse driver soon...cnut!

  3. Country is full of idle cunts. My mate’s been furloughed since March (airline industry) and will be for the foreseeable. There are thousands of jobs available...employers can’t get Brits to do ‘em, especially young Brits. Ok, they don’t pay a fortune but they can keep you ticking over & get you outta the house until this shit is over. Whingeing whiney nation of scrounging cunts...we’d be fucked if Big Vlad decided to invade with this snowflake generation attempting to defend our shores....newly pubed cunts.

  4. 1 minute ago, Goober said:

    Here's a revelation for you, no one is immortal, so it's not only my future it's yours too. Shit happens.

    You do seem a tad confused regarding what you're trying to achieve with this nom. Do you need someone with a grade G GCSE to help?

    Blindingly obvious, but true. I was hoping that your autopsy was days away and inconclusive. Trouble a pathologist...soon. Densecnut.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Goober said:

    Stereotypes exist for a reason and are, more often than not, well justified. Were you cunting your brethren for being fucking idiots or not? If you're trying to make another point, please elaborate. Don't shoot the messenger.

    BTW, as it's after midnight, are you using the WiFi of the house you're burgling to post this?

    They’re hardly me ‘brethren’ you melt. From a distance I have observed that they are cunts...rebellious but self-defeating cunts. It would appear that it is I who is the messenger and you, who is the recipient. However, as a feeble lily-livered, weak southerner...this probably isn’t your first time. Fingers crossed, there’s an inconclusive autopsy in your future. Cnut.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Goober said:

    Is just a thin excuse to get the country's crime rate down. 2 weeks of lockdown in Liverpool equates to a 9.736% reduction in the country's burglary rate. Fact.

    Fill a hearse as soon as is feasible, you lame, stereotyping southern cuntfuck. xx

  7. Wether you subscribe to government policy or not...these cunts have had it coming. Whilst most of the nation has been making some kind of effort with this COVID-19 business, not these scouse cunts...Oh no! I live in the area and for months now, people that I know who socialise in Lipooool have commented on the fact that no fucker in the city gives a fuck, the bars are rammed, social distancing doesn’t exist and there are social visitors flocking to the city to party and piss about because their own areas/cities have been playing by the rules and are far more restrictive. Well guess what, scouse cunts....Big Boris knows you’ll never vote for him and knows the country thinks you’re all cunts, so I hope you’ve enjoyed the last 6 weeks of freedom because now, as a social, vote-free experiment...you’re getting twatted. ‘Life...goes on day after day....’ not anymore it doesn’t MickeyMouseCnuts.

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Hello dc

    Welcome to the corner im a doley loafer musican now but 30 years ago id have put a bomb under yer Austin maestro and left ya with no legs and a half functional bowel if ya were lucky..drink bleach...get fucked ..etc ..etc


    An honour to get a response from a celebrated Cunt. I’m on the right track, as are you, spurting gentleman’s relish on a dreadnought...I salute the big ‘P.’

  9. 12 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Ive recently come across an old guitar and its another instrument to learn for when the world gets back to normal ...we're fond of the aul trad sesh over here ..knock out a tune an you'll not die of thirst.


    You’ll find that you’ll need to wipe/chisel the deposit off or the intonation may be compromised, to say nothing of ‘tacky-string’ issues. Now get tonally fucked...minstrelcnut.

  10. This snivelling, smug little  kike cunt is marginally annoying to be sure. He’s a smarmy Hebe who’s mother couldn’t drive properly and is a failed lawyer (cnut) journo, stand-up comic and analyst (fnaar, fnaar) Weirdly, haggard middle-aged, mediocre, dry ovaried whores such as Rippon, Hunniford and Lorraine Kelly, amongst others seem to have pushed his career along quite nicely despite him failing at every turn until he finally came up trumps. Having said that, he’s made a few bob and despite having the ‘chutney-ferret’ appearance, I would happily spend a month orally cleansing his wife’s perineum and attachments, mid-blob and irrespective of any faecal incontinence. That’s my humanity coming out again though I suppose. 

  11. 13 hours ago, King Billy said:

    Philip was born in Corfu. On a kitchen table reputedly, in a stone built hovel. What a slag.

    Some poor cunt probably ate their dinner at that table later. Filthy savages. Fuck the EU.

    His mum became a nun before appearing in that Ashes to Ashes, Bowie video with a trailing placenta still dripping...vile Cunt.

  12. 14 hours ago, King Billy said:

    I want nothing and expect less Frank. The only part of what I posted that I really meant was the last sentence. But it’s cunts corner ffs. I’m off to South Devon in the morning with the missus and our 2 dogs. I’ve managed to get a beautiful lodge with hot tub etc. for 5 nights. I didn’t expect availability to be so limited.  I was wondering if you could PM me Pens address as I’d hate to drive all that way from London and not do him/her some harm. This could be a deal breaker/maker for us Frank. I know you’ll do the right thing.

    She’s back in Wales, Bill....returned to the land of her father...to try and find him.

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