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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 48 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    His 'mental health' problems were already rampaging long before he set fire to his hairdo. Bleaching himself, fucking a chimp and pretending to be a six year old. Filthy fucking black nonce. 

    How did Michael's guests know when it was bedtime?


    When the big hand touched the little hand.

    No Eric...prior to the coiffure pyrotechnics he was a nice fella. Always got his round in & threw a mean dart. He even fingered my mates sister, who was 30 @ the time. It was the Pepsi pyros wot done it...thank god for Huey Lewis’ artistic integrity I say...dead spooks matter.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    You turned up with a reasonable intro. But then you started flinging insults at various cunts, and then start crying when you get some flung back at you. Harold did the same, but seems to have settled and made it through the initiation.

    Believe me, you've had it easy compared to what some of us got when we arrived. 

    Ok...I’ll raise my game and take your esteemed advice...but insult flinging, if you’ll forgive my petulance, doesn’t appear to be a rarity on this forum, for cunts.

    • Like 1
  3. I thought it was amusing that Huey Lewis fucked Pepsi off when they offered him $5m for a song right. Michael Jackson snaffled the cash then promptly got his head set on fire doing the video. This led to his mental health problems, painkiller addiction and eventual premature death. Kidfucking aside, sometimes it can be a good thing...

  4. 1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    No, not you. The person you've spoken to also speaks to me. 

    Can only be Pen, Neil or Bill...last two were giving advice/encouragement. You’re the Cunt who started a post bleating about anonymous newbies not having the bollocks to get active on here...as soon as one does you berate & fume. Get fucked, and stand on your own two feet without having to rope others in you shitbag. Doorman... where ffs?

  5. Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

    Nothing to explain. You're a scouser.

    How are you coping with lockdown. Have you managed to stay true to Liverpudlian tradition by burgling your own (council) house?

    Fuck me, you really are an exhausting mutant cunt aren’t you? If only you knew the truth, you’d be digging your own grave right now. Metaphorically, you kind of already have eh? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

    Cnut seems OK - bit over defensive, but that's natural with a newbie. Sauce Pants can die in a cesspit after having his fucking skin blow-torched off though. Weird little Jeffery Dahmer cunt.

    I’m sure I’ll get there with your guidance...Eric can contract epididymis ebola as far as I’m concerned, again!

  7. 6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Answer the question. Did you piss on a corpse at Hillsborough?

    10 mins ago...cunt.

    I’d have been happy to, being an Evertonian...just don’t tell Bill. Now fuck off peasant, those Big Issues aren’t gonna sell themselves now...

  8. 2 hours ago, Joker said:

    You're fuckin' lucky, 'oop north'® we get this mincing twat, and his fuckin' bongos.


    This fag side...what about the parrot-fish faced hagfuck that reads the news up here...Annabel Tiffin? She looks like an anatomy robber stole her lips. Hideous looking creature beamed into our homes 5 days a week, probs because she’s an anchovy licker. No red-blooded male would slip his pride and joy into this weird looking skank. She needs cymballing too.

  9. 10 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

     He"s  an easily disliked chap. Nasty little fucker with a chip on both shoulders.  Must have had a terrible upbringing, probably sodomised by the local priest to end up as such a bitter and twisted little cunt.  He'd be no loss to the world. 

    Well, it’s the last time I drop coins into his gaping anus...dog or no dog.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I mean nothing by it. I'm a Geordie, so who the fuck am I to judge?

    Be weary of JSP, though - cunt likes killing kitties. Probably shags them.

    A fucking Coalyokel slagging scousers off? The utter nerve. I lived in Tynemouth for 4 years & loved it up there...good lads to be honest. You’re a cunt however....howay....

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    Still riding your bike or catching the bus to your part time doorman's job i take it. 

    Cowering by a door with a sleeping bag, scabby mongrel, clutching 20 copies of the issue and muttering ‘God bless ya sir!’ hardly makes the snivelling Cunt a ‘doorman’ does it? Fantasist scruffy cnut.

  12. 2 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

     Used to live in the UK and ive seen most of it. Ill be back sometime after the Covids gone for to visit a few friends and a sister. Next time i'd like to visit Eric at his door mans job or at his bedsit and see how the poor door opening wanker lives, if he has to work weekends to earn a few extra quid.  The poor hapless cretin will obviously blame others for his shit life style. His sort always do.

    You tell the cunts Johnny...

  13. 9 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    Liverpool's a shitehole full of dogshit strewn streets, and whiny vowel strangling skagheads. Widnes, Birkenhead or Runcorn? Even worse than Liverpool. You shellsuit wearing moustached plastic scouse cunt! 

    A tad harsh, MC...particularly as I live and am from Cheshire...you geographically challenged helmet smear.

  14. 1 hour ago, Joker said:

    You're fuckin' lucky, 'oop north'® we get this mincing twat, and his fuckin' bongos.


    Correct J....I despise this fuckin genetic experiment Cunt. I’d like to drum a fuckin cymbal up his sphincter sideways until he tore. Cunt needs killing.

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