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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

    No it wasn't. He just loves to be hated on here. Associating the Catholic church, public schools and the upper classes with homosexuality and pedophilia pisses him off though. Just don't post anything libelous because Roops will can you for that as well.

    Christ......a cunting minefield to tread it seems.

  2. Just now, Trucking Funt said:

    None that I'm aware of. You do need to be careful about going too far with racial slurs on here because I read in an old post that CC once got flagged up as a hate site by some lefty Quislings and it nearly got closed down. You will get a bit of latitude while you're a newbie but after that you will get coolered where Roops will mercilessly peg you with her 15 inch strap on without lube.

    Fairy nuff. I can’t think that forum preservation was at the forefront of the slimy cunt’s tiny mind however.

  3. 1 minute ago, Trucking Funt said:

    Quite right Roops, There's no place for Neo-Nazism on here. My Grandad died at Auschwitz..... He got pissed and fell out of a machine gun tower.


    Copyright Bernard Manning 1983

    Is there a virtual bike shed on this site behind which Lord Grass can be taken for a good shoeing?

  4. 37 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Ordinarily this would have been an interesting anecdotal observation which had punch yet you've ruined it by unnecessary racist stereotyping and pejoratives.


    I don't wish to spoil the party but The Corner will enter a world of hurt if it resembles a National Front branch. By all means indulge in free speech, but use it responsibly.

    Which bit upset Lord Snot? Was it ‘spookess,’ or ‘gibbon,’ or ‘primate?’ Please don’t tell me it was ‘Spaderush?’

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I am not important enough for you to worry your tiny mind about. Whay not try to match yourself against a titanic single cell mind such as Childish Harorld instead.

    It would appear that you have a Gaelic keyboard which, I would suggest, adds to the not unsubstantial evidence of your ewe-friendly heritage?

  6. 7 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Is this to get those armband things? Funny, the only bouncer I knew was a soft as shit big fella who kept budgies, like Geoff Capes. He could probably have snapped me in half, but he was very softly spoken. He moved to Norway with a girl half his age, lucky bastard. 

    How big was that budgie cage like?

  7. 1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    What has become of The Corner? I see on the news this morning that a French teacher showed a class cartoons of Mohammad and an irate parent cut his noggin off, before being blown away by a Gendarme. Time was this would have been headline news and provoked much hand-wringing on The Corner. I know you guys have lots in your in tray, but lift your game for fucks’ sake. 

    Good nom, even better title.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Sorry, the question took me by surprise. Most people just want to hear about the ninjas.

    The questions are mostly regarding licensing law, citizens arrest, legally acceptable force and restraint. A few theoretical scenarios depicting volatile situations, to test your response (just say "speak calmly and clearly" every time and you've aced it)

    On day 3 they get the Jap-slapping mats out and you all practice twisting arms up backs, swan neck restraint and kneeling on necks for 8.7 minutes etc'. 

    Any candidates get twatted to death by them kung-fu slopes? If so, can you get an application form for monkey-girl...in braille?

  9. 1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    What I would do is abduct the little 'trouser round arse' little wankers and drop them in the middle of South Central LA amongst real fucking gangstas  and see how far they get with their Gangsta speak then. Let's see if the little wigga cunts can 'pop a cap in dere ass' then. 

    White, middle-class ‘Grand Theft Auto’ LA Hood brothers...cunts!

  10. There’s a 78 yr old spookess from Jamaica lives near me. She’s ok, for a primate. She despairs of this generation of cunts. She experienced real predjudice & grief when she came over on the Spaderush and she reckons the country is fair and far better now than its ever been. What she can’t comprehend is the anger & fury of her teenage grandkids who claim to have been oppressed all of their lives. She also can’t understand where their Jamaican accents come from when the little gibbon cunts haven’t been further south than Ibiza in their lives. 


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