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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 8 hours ago, King Billy said:

    If her dad Kevin knew what you were saying about her he’d most likely tell you to “Calm down mate” in a whiny Scouse drawl. Just saying. It’d be up to you wether you did or not.

    Unsurprised that a kopshite didn’t know that one of his former heroes was not Scouse but from Yorkshire. I’ll forgive you as I know you’ll be rushing out to Mass...

  2. I see this liquorice-toothed Jock harridan’s trying to tough this one out, claiming that it was all the chinky bat-flu’s fault that she broke the law because one of it’s side effects is ‘muddled thinking?’ Shameless skanky looking cunt needs to inhabit a mortuary...soon.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    I’d deny my nationality if I was Welsh, and Devon is just a short paddle to the land of the inbreds. Welsh Cunt bint.

    Anyway, aren’t you on a yellow card for being a useless cunt?

    2) Lady P. Continual mind numbing nominations and pointless content. Less is more. Your longevity does not afford you any privileges. Change or the exit will be shown.

  4. 12 hours ago, White Cunt said:

    Five-fingered hands and average IQ are becoming very rare in those circles. It will be most frowned upon.

    They’re not all bad those Johnson’s.Daddy Stanley like to settle any matrimonial tension with a swift right-hook to Mrs J’s temple...problem sorted. Tousle-haired wife-beaty Cunt.

  5. 10 hours ago, King Billy said:

    What’s worse is that he was DPP when dozens of dusky grooming gangs were allowed to destroy the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands of underage white girls. His refusal to prosecute these animals, not to mention his apparent inability to even consider the mounting evidence of Jimmy Savilles crimes, isn’t even a story for the fake news BBC, C4 or ITV that churns out the woke/leftie crap that passes as news today. They’re far too busy looking for the imminent Armageddon about to be unleashed by ‘far right extremists’ who’ve proved to be much harder to find. 

    Starmer is the epitome of what’s wrong with Britain today. A complete and utter fraudulent cunt.

    This is what happens when Parliament is populated by former members of the planet’s most vile ‘profession’...lawyers. Even that banal vicious closet dyke Jimmy Crankie up in sweaty-sockland is one. A ‘profession’ only invented so that estate agents and accountants could have someone to look down on. Cunts to a man. I want them all hospiced...today.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    Bearing in mind that you have been posting during pub hours I would suggest that your "pub" is your bedsit .. probably about as real as a certain other poster's golf clubhouse.

    Errmmm...it’s 6.25am Pen...dunno what the opening hours in your part of Wales are sweetheart.

  7. Just now, Dyslexic cnut said:

    One of these little Hitler twats has just shut my boozer down. She was about 19years old & strutting about the pub with a clipboard and an inside out mask on, also worn upside down. The reason for her angst? One table had 7 chairs alongside it...(no fucker sat there like) and apparently, she had spotted this life-threatening transgression on an earlier visit. This pompous runt-bitch gloated that she had closed seven puns that week. Not wanting to sound bitter (geddit?) but if she soon takes up residence at the local hospice, soon...I shan’t weep. The twatcunt whore.


  8. One of these little Hitler twats has just shut my boozer down. She was about 19years old & strutting about the pub with a clipboard and an inside out mask on, also worn upside down. The reason for her angst? One table had 7 chairs alongside it...(no fucker sat there like) and apparently, she had spotted this life-threatening transgression on an earlier visit. This pompous runt-bitch gloated that she had closed seven puns that week. Not wanting to sound bitter (geddit?) but if she soon takes up residence at the local hospice, soon...I shan’t weep. The twatcunt whore.

  9. 23 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Wound fucking, that’s a new one for the corner. If you Neil, Rev and Baws swap notes, you could go far here

    Praise indeed but as I have found to my discomfort, intially, a crispy pustule or dried suture can play havoc with the urethra. First world problems but being new here, I thought it best to give the chaps a ‘heads-up’...so to speak. All about empathy & giving me see...

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I would like to see you plugged into the mains just like an electric car.

    What happened Welsh Dawn...you used to be apt and amusing? HRT? Sahara-Cunt syndrome? It”s all a bit disappointing if I’m being honest. You can get those tablets or skin patches you know. Failing that, slap a tub of marge down your gusset and come back to us....you’re so vital and missed...kinda. xx

  11. 3 hours ago, King Billy said:

    She’s a wonderful girl. I wouldn’t need to give it a seconds deliberation if she came round my gaff begging me to let her plate my arse. But then I’m just an old fashioned good mannered  bloke. I don’t like saying no to people.

    I can only get goin for these types in the two weeks post-op, when there’s still some moisture on the scar tissue. I’m not a dry wound man which has always been my downfall. Moist & vulnerable is my M.O.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

    A thing of prosaic beauty....this post makes you stand back and admire the English Language, after sobbing uncontrollably...I’m now ‘in!’ Inspirational putridity, congrats to LCS.

    Posted before the author was aware that the said Axminster-chomper was so inclined? Remarkable visciousness that’s to be applauded.

  13. On 25/02/2018 at 14:15, Last Cunt Standing said:


    So this fucking creature has decided, in the midst of #metoo and the ongoing carnival of perpetual feminist outrage, that now would be a good time to weigh in on the subject of class. Apparently the snivelling cunt thinks she’s been deprived bundles more cash because she hails from bread-and-dripping land somewhere north of Leicester Forest services. 

    Might I suggest a few more reasons why you’ve “only just made it to six figures” for reading out corporate press releases on BBC Breakfast in what passes for business news? 

    Firstly, you are ugly as fuck. This matters in a visual medium. Looking like a pre-op transsexual with a brain injury might pass for acceptable on Teeside, given all those chemicals in the water, but if you think your gurning square head is an asset to BBC News, you are deluded. Secondly, your mangled vowels and drawled consonants might have turned on whichever truck-driving lesbian in BBC Casting you auditioned for, but for most people it’s like listening to a fucking concrete mixer. Thirdly, you are by no means an expert in your field, and having heard you grunt through many broadcasts it seems to me you wouldn’t know an ETF from a CDS and think reading the financial page in the Daily Mirror makes you Warren Buffett. Lastly your presenting skills are distinctintly third division, easily replicated, and we both know it’s only some tick-box bollocks that means you aren’t doing the traffic report on Radio Cleveland.

    You have the nerve to whine publicly that you are only paid four times the national average for reading aloud on the telly for an hour or two in the morning. You should be on your knees thanking whatever God you pray to that you have been so blessed, not wishing you were Fiona Bruce. Know your fucking place and keep your ugly Peter Beardsley lovechild head down you inarguable Cunt.

    Fuck off. 

    A thing of prosaic beauty....this post makes you stand back and admire the English Language, after sobbing uncontrollably...I’m now ‘in!’ Inspirational putridity, congrats to LCS.

    • Like 1
  14. On 02/10/2020 at 03:48, Rev said:

    This hook-nosed, jaundiced streak of cross-dressing, comedy-vacuum piss needs sealed in a concrete chamber with that other fat hairless lefty cottaging lesbian Matt Lucas and exposed to a canister or two of post-Weimar pesticide.

    Then incinerated.

    That is all.

    Ever thought of film critiqué.... Barry Norman would rotate, sub-terranially. After this, it fells like a light has been turned on.

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