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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

    I mean nothing by it. I'm a Geordie, so who the fuck am I to judge?

    Be weary of JSP, though - cunt likes killing kitties. Probably shags them.

    A fucking Coalyokel slagging scousers off? The utter nerve. I lived in Tynemouth for 4 years & loved it up there...good lads to be honest. You’re a cunt however....howay....

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  2. 5 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    Still riding your bike or catching the bus to your part time doorman's job i take it. 

    Cowering by a door with a sleeping bag, scabby mongrel, clutching 20 copies of the issue and muttering ‘God bless ya sir!’ hardly makes the snivelling Cunt a ‘doorman’ does it? Fantasist scruffy cnut.

  3. 2 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

     Used to live in the UK and ive seen most of it. Ill be back sometime after the Covids gone for to visit a few friends and a sister. Next time i'd like to visit Eric at his door mans job or at his bedsit and see how the poor door opening wanker lives, if he has to work weekends to earn a few extra quid.  The poor hapless cretin will obviously blame others for his shit life style. His sort always do.

    You tell the cunts Johnny...

  4. 9 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    Liverpool's a shitehole full of dogshit strewn streets, and whiny vowel strangling skagheads. Widnes, Birkenhead or Runcorn? Even worse than Liverpool. You shellsuit wearing moustached plastic scouse cunt! 

    A tad harsh, MC...particularly as I live and am from Cheshire...you geographically challenged helmet smear.

  5. 1 hour ago, Joker said:

    You're fuckin' lucky, 'oop north'® we get this mincing twat, and his fuckin' bongos.


    Correct J....I despise this fuckin genetic experiment Cunt. I’d like to drum a fuckin cymbal up his sphincter sideways until he tore. Cunt needs killing.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I cannot imagine a visitor missing attractions such as Conwy Castle or Chester take the train as far as Llandudno Junction perhaps. Hiring a car there would be logical having visited nearby Conwy and perhaps Llandudno itself and that would take you straight on the the A55 which is virtually a motorway that would get you to Chester within an hour .. a Certain Mrs R will doubtless be familiar with that road and doubtless know why someone with time to tour the country between there and London would not miss the chance to visit Chester.

    Maybe he could have flown into Liverpool Airport which is next to Toxteth according to you? He best not take any travel tips from the ‘Stoke-on-Trent-Crewe’ sage of Britain...best get fucked eh?

  7. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    You haven't been here long enough to psych-profile anyone. What was your previous ID? And if you live in the Liverpool area, as you stated on page 1 of this nomination, how are you not a scouser?

    Fuck off Big E....you’re clearly pissed, incoherent and forgetful. Can’t be the Eric that has been admired from afar...free him, walk out of the door, don’t look back and I’ll forget this despicable abduction of a corner legend. Now get on your way while you still can, Cunt. I thought you were a twat when you stole that newspaper blokes daughter and Frank Sinatra’s lad, but you’ve gone too far kidnapping Eric & posting shite on here. You’ve been rumbled, now get to fuck.

  8. Just now, Dyslexic cnut said:

    Schooltime then...a ‘scouser’ is a tip-rat who was born in the City (region) of Liverpool. I stated that I ‘lived in the area’ so, not in the City...(region) and thereby not a ‘scouser!’ So, ask your fuckin self one question, It was my nom and I’ve been highly critical & abusive towards scousers...would I do that if I was one? Dickhead? Now...fuck off.

    Do please PM me and give me a heads-up as to when I have been on here long enough to assess who is and who isn’t a gobshite etc...standing-by, in awe...Cunt!

  9. 40 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    You haven't been here long enough to psych-profile anyone. What was your previous ID? And if you live in the Liverpool area, as you stated on page 1 of this nomination, how are you not a scouser?

    Schooltime then...a ‘scouser’ is a tip-rat who was born in the City (region) of Liverpool. I stated that I ‘lived in the area’ so, not in the City...(region) and thereby not a ‘scouser!’ So, ask your fuckin self one question, It was my nom and I’ve been highly critical & abusive towards scousers...would I do that if I was one? Dickhead? Now...fuck off.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:


    you can learn that in GCSE English.

    Now spellchecking? Have you had a bang on the head or summat? I think your profile has been hacked. This is not the Eric we all love...fuck off you impersonating Cunt. Untie Eric or I’ll be round to punch your sole tooth down your throat...kidnapping Cunt.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    A person might be born in a stable but that does not make them a horse .. I regard Crewe as my hometown and you can get fucked.

    That’s odd...it was Devon two weeks ago and you stated that you were ‘from’ Stoke-on-Trent last week. The only explanation for this fluidity is that you are a smelly pikey with a very fast horse....or the onset of Alzheimer’s? Here’s hoping it’s the latter...Welsh-Dawn.

  12. 1 minute ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I have never said that I like Stoke-on-Trent .. my belief is that the place should be concreted over with the clayheads buried beneath the concrete.

    You did say you were from that particular fetid hellhole though? 

  13. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Eat shit you dirty, unwashed, scouse slurping fucking tramp.

    I wish you'd been the 97th lawn pancake. 

    But I’m not ‘scouse’ softshite...I’ve never said I was. This is what happens when you ‘like’ Ape’s bullshit...it diminishes you, cereberally. Require a barium meal...tomorrow, cunt.

  14. Scouse cunts were only locked down last night...trainloads and covered wagons, full of the diseased pondlife headed over to Wankchester this morning for a session....now look what’s happened. Next stop Stoke on Trent and Pen’s, erm homeland...fingers 🤞 

  15. 1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    It was funny because Ape is a Nigerian phone scammer.

    That’s no excuse. I’m fuckin stunned here! They say ‘never meet your hero’s especially if they’re cunts.’ You & are finished Eric...for tonight at least....cnut.

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