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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. Who has ever, watched the telly and seen a black horse galloping between children on a beach and thought....’Tomorrow morning,I’m sprinting down to the high street to sign my future financial well-being to Lloyds Bank....because “they have always been beside me through life’s ups and downs”’

    I watch it and see cunts who need AK47’ing into oblivion via Canary Wharf. They’re all at it, the nerve of these warts on society, spunking millions on ads. You’re cunts, you’re fucking pondlife that need killing. Fuck off with youre horse, meerkat, panda....coffecoloured happy family cunts. DIE...IN PAIN...SLOWLY.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

    You absolute fucking dickhead.

    Time to back off, girls. You’ll be posting about a lack of newbie input as the forum dies. Embrace newness/twattery but police it accordingly. This site is all we have left. Enough with the squaliditry, let Johnny be Johnny and go grooming. You’re all much better than this. Raise you’re warped game.

  3. 6 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    Fuck, you are getting tiresome Eric, you are just so stunningly stupid.

    I i were to take a pretty accurate guess at your IQ, Being generous, i'd say maybe a point or two above @Ape™️. In other words, one step ahead of a monkey. Now whats this " i give my blessings, and I would like it known". FF sake you prat.

    Anyway, it's a great idea, here's the conditions. Go back to the cunting cats thread, where you stated, quote, " i know exactly where you live". Good, now you have my permission to put it here to show you arnt simply the bull shitting little ferret face toady little egotistical  wanker i know you to be.

    Do it, and i'll promise, as soon as you have, i'll  post yours. That's a promise. 🙂 

    Do it now, go on.  


    Marlborough or Hawkes Bay area would well be worth a visit. Fabulous terroir for incredible wines. Tell me your gaff is there Saucester?

  4. 2 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

    Although Mr Campbell was a fine guitarist, I didn’t rate this particular song. I was interested to read an interview with Alice Cooper who was a personal Friend of Mr Campbell. He was extremely complimentary of his musical prowess.

    He was a ‘go-to’ session guitarist for many top artists.

  5. 39 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

    It's clear Do Or Die will fucking cripple this country after the worst economic slump in modern history. By the New Year this government will be crawling towards the biggest fucking hypocritical sell out in political history. Wrecking our economic prospects for several generations and betraying all the gullible fools who thought Little Britain could act like a world power and take back control. It is and was and has always been a load of bollocks and as the cost and penalties start mounting up so will Johnson and his cabinet of fools credibility. 

    Fuck Brie, eat Cheddar (not the homegrown stuff like.)

  6. On 16/08/2014 at 15:15, Alfie Noakes said:

    Saw this warbling speech impediment back in early nineties with her guitarist husband performing in a seedy Brighton night club (there is nowhere seedier than a Brighton seafront night club - even the non chutney ferret clubs were all appalling). They were really dismal! The awful racket they made was not music, just noise.
    I dared to light a cigarette (it used to be allowed back then) and Ms Wilcox stopped the song and told me to put it out as they had to breathe. Well fuck me, you were playing in a fucking nightclub not the Albert fucking hall you know.
    Needless to say as a paying customer I said fuck off and chain smoked the whole rest of the gig. It was priceless the look on her face when the bouncers did nothing as I knew them and as I said smoking was allowed.

    Previously her twatt of a husband refused to let my friend take his photo after a different gig. My friend congratulated him on a great gig (this one was not with the warbling witch) and politely asked for a photo and Mr Fripp said no and told him to fuck off.

    I always reckoned ‘a shot in the dark’ ie. a late evening, deliberately misplaced violent pelvic thrust into her lower intestine with a large, mis-shaped, Congolese kidney-wiper would have rectified her lisp. I’m no recto-oral expert mind.

  7. 5 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    You wormy  little wanker. Yes it is copied and pasted from another website, but the original absolutely wasnt written by you. You stole it, and youve been found out for the toad that you are. You know it, i know it. Not a single letter of the original is your work, nor mine. 

    I'm right your wrong and thats all there is too it. 

    Typical pikey like behaviour, shame on you, scabby little thief. 

    Hang your head.

    Im off fishing, have a nice day 🙂 

    Don’t exceed your quota...not tonight. BoJo’s having dinner y’know?

  8. On 05/12/2020 at 19:44, camberwell gypsy said:




    Apparently a number of Millwall fans booed when the players took the knee before their game against Derby County this afternoon. Now I agree, it was out of order but what I dont agree with is the comment from Homes under the Hammer star and ex ropey footballer Dion Dublin's comments that "If you dont agree with taking the knee, then you're racist". No Dion, not so. Many people dont want to do this but agree that black lives matter. Saying everyones racist for not doing it is eroding peoples right to choose. Unless you agree with forcing people to do something that they're uncomfortable with.

    Ooh does that make me a racist now? Fuck you.

    The English will rebel against forced piety, ‘Twas ever thus.

  9. 1 hour ago, Neil said:

    Just ordered a double espresso and the thick tart gave me 2 single shots in 2 separate cups.Last month in a new Italian eaterie I ordered wild boar and the equally thick as shit young waitress approached the table asking "who ordered the white board?"..proof that too much screen time and watching shit reality TV is really fucking these twats up .

    Had you gone for the ‘wild bore’ you’d have got @Trucking Funt’s head on a plate.

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