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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    'Mate, playing the PM game after I PM'd Eric, and then I PM'd myself having a wank and then he said what so-and-so said in their PM mate, ner ner ner...'  oh shut up you self-important boring fucking Scouse bumcloth. Honestly, it's your modesty that gets me:

    'I have respect for some seniors on here who smelled promise and PM’d me in my early weeks'

    'I got to number two on the leader board due to pure talent which in my unsupported case it was.'

    'I was meant to meet Chet one time. He died 2 days after standing our group up....wasn’t personal. Stunning choice Francinettissimo.'


    I'm beginning to sense you may yet prove me correct:


    If I post on the 1st of Feb, will you kill yourself and PM me the video, my little canine friend?

  2. 9 hours ago, Decimus said:

    What a pair of whingeing, crybaby cunts. First they shoot off PMs pleading with people to be nice, and now little rattled DC has been up until three in the morning crying about bullying, even though he allegedly knows that it is all a game.

    As you say, priceless.

    11pm in St Lucia, retard. Wrong again eh? Bit of a theme developing here, Cunt.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Again you give me too much credit. First of all I was a master manipulator capable of bending others to my will with mere words. Now I'm an IT expert with a self-made cyber skeleton key that I can use to sift through the sordid messages of all the site's members.

    I wish I was as talented as you make me out to be, DC, but the truth is more mundane than that. Eric told me.

    Do you want to change your story and admit it, or would you rather wait until he logs on and confirms it himself?

    I’ll bet you got leathered at school, if you ever went.

  4. 3 hours ago, Decimus said:

    Despite him supposedly not caring and constantly stating he's aware that it's "only a game", DC appears to be totally obsessed about the time a couple of months ago when he appeared second on the leaderboard of an insignificant site barely anyone ever posts on.

    So obsessed, he even messaged Eric at the time to ask if he was proud of him, just in case he missed it.

    What a fucking pathetic worm.

    Have you hacked @Eric Cuntman’s inbox, dickhead? Failing that, the PM function is officially fucked and of no use anymore or are we to assume that a PM to certain individuals really is a message to all of his little mates. You are a self confessed post adulterer, are we to assume that you can now access other member’s inboxes too? You’re sad enough to spend your life trying you warped limited cunt. Fuck off, embarrassment.

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  5. 6 hours ago, Decimus said:

    A few points for forum "expert" @Dyslexic cnut

    If you knew the site, you'd realise that it is far from a closed shop. There's an inevitable period where a new cunt will get a kicking and one of two things will happen. They'll either prove their worth by rising to it and producing quality posts and nominations, or they'll cry until the early hours of the morning about the big boys being beastly and how it's all so unfair.

    Your hero Eric was in the former camp, as was King Billy, myself and most of the others on here who can string a sentence together.

    You're firmly in the latter camp, a complete faggot totally Ill suited to the nature of this forum. You're so bewilderingly confident of your own talents that you appear to believe the only reason that you never appear on the Leaderboard is because the big boys refuse to recognise and reward your genius. It's never occurred to you that it could be more to do with the fact that your posts are mainly beige, mundane and devoid of any insight or humour. 

    Your frantic performance last night, sat up until the early hours rattling and displaying your crippling insecurity and neediness will never be forgotten. I'd say that you were finished on here, but you never really got started, did you?


    Many thanks for this.

  6. 2 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:


    Exactly, the same reasons an old friend of mine who was on the old CC site said. It's not the same or anywhere near as good so he never logs on. Fucking bunch of lame post wankers. Sucking each others cocks. @Decimus, @Ape™️and @Eric Cuntman. Immediately spring to mind.  Three of the worst mindless lame little leader board climbing cunts ever to draw breath.  

    ‘Like’ farmers... killing the forum. Then crying about the old days. As a grovelling cunt @Eric Cuntmanis above it, normally. But they will kill new blood...they truly will.

  7. I got to number two on the leader board. I’d like to think it was due to pure talent which in my unsupported case it was. But what you need to realise is this. The likey boys came before us, it’s a cabal of historical pricks. They get likes for the most mundane, lame posts....it’s a closed shop. The same historical shitheads then post about ‘lack of new blood’ when it appears they cower, congregate and bully them off the site. They then cry about ‘how it used to be.’ And where is the new blood and ‘in the old days’ etc. The same wankers, like the same wankers posts and hence, the same ‘leaderboard’ or whatever that is. Bottom line, shithead life failures like @Decimusget a reason to wake up in the morning and not do the honourable thing like, drown in a fen. Here we are. A forum that as a future has two choices, accept, vibrate and move on, or sit and let it become a closed shop for limited, cowardly gangs of shitcunts...you know who you are...on your hind legs now.

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