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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 6 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    I think you're on the ropes, son. Time to grab your spoon and poor man's charlie, and have another fix... 

    Tell the truth MC. You’ve poured over the punctuation on this one. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Major Cunt said:

    Terrible. A decent counter punch only needs one or two skillful grammatical blows. You've completely over done it and shown yourself up as the far end of the spectrum wanker we all suspected. 

    Here's another tip. Stop name dropping me all over the Corner, as its the undeniable mark of an easily riled spastic! 

    You actually edited this punctuation car-crash? On your way, empty-head.

  3. 1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

    So why, therefore, did you PM @Eric Cuntman in an attempt to influence others' backing off by sticking your unwanted beak in with your 'Mate, I PM'd Eric mate, and then I had a wank mate' referenced bollocks?

    Odd little fucker you aren’t you? Last time...fuck off.

  4. 6 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

    Its due to flooding the forums with his 24 hour never ending barrage of utter horse shit MC. The theory of more is more is obviously working as the punters in his non existent humour category must be the guilty ones. Admin must be so proud.  

    Which logically means that those at the top are the worst offenders. Thanks for the clarification, softshite.

  5. 6 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

    I've just noticed you've made the leaderboard, and my only conclusion is Santa receiving that letter. I wouldn't bank on holding the position though... 

    However will I cope. Tit.

  6. 1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

    How was your recent stint in the cooler, Billy? Did @Frank suddenly appear and try to corner you in the showers?

    Frank’s busy kicking fuck out of his emaciated adolescent cell mate. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    He'll be a shadow of his former self, whimpering and sobbing about his ring piece having been pulverised in lock up. 

    He's well and truly fucked. 

    My hoop’s intact.

  8. 5 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

    I'm hungry, Eric, and I feel my fellow tiger sharks are ready to feast. A sprat to catch a mackerel in the words of 'Gene Hunt'. 

    A 17year old, impetigo riddled dwarf. Strapped to his keyboard with his bry-nylon undies around his ankles. Envisions himself as top of an aquatic food chain. You silly brown-nosing lapdog Cunt.

  9. 7 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

    There's far more Ahmed's up in your deliberately neglected wasteland. Tell the isolated old folks expecting visits from their loved ones "to suck it up".

    I would have thought you'd have been keeping a lower profile after your recent pasting. Fucking idiot! 

    Well done you. A full post without mentioning Decs. Snivelling, toady, ringpiece licking prick. Die...soon.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    Fucking hell, Wolfie. You're certainly throwing your hat in the ring by mentioning Dyslexic in such a derogatory fashion. In two short months he's established himself as the new Decimus, and his razor sharp wit along with his repertoire will surely have you running to Roops. 

    Here come the girls. Crying for Daddy.

  11. 1 minute ago, Wolfie said:

    Fear not, Johnny – new Corner powerhouse @Dyslexic cnut has arrived for the evening to throw his weight around in your defence.

    Not at all Wolfers. He can handle himself I’m sure. I’m here to watch the keyboard bovver-boys ganging up. It makes me smile and masturbate. Now fuck off.

  12. 4 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

    I have a friend who is in her early 50s .. she has got severe curvature of the spine, is in constant pain .. the longest she has never been out of work is six months, she has worked right through the covid thing.

    Bell ringing?

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

    I piss and shit the bed most nights.

    I used to play rugby with a bloke who did the Triple Crown every Saturday night. Pissed, shit and puked the bed. His bird was posh and as fit as fuck and he was a beast. She used to get up, shower, clean him up and go back to bed. In the morning she never mentioned it and cooked him a full English breakfast. Anyone got her number?

  14. 1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

    Thing is, do you really believe the Russkies more than our government? They're all lying cunts no matter who says what. 

    The most interesting thing, is that the chinky winks are all back to normal. But,can you believe what those little fucks say?  Who do believe or disbelieve? It's a fucking conundrum ain't it? 

    Precisely. How does the misinformation end? No idea who to fuckin believe anymore.

  15. 3 hours ago, King Billy said:

    My bird had the flu a couple of years ago. Fucking terrible it was. I had to cook my own meals for a week while the lazy cunt was lying in bed feeling sorry for herself. But she did apologise once she started to feel a bit better and was able to do a bit of light cooking and cleaning. 

    Two dogs Judy....watch your mouth lad!

  16. 3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Go for the biggest and heaviest TV you can find and fix it to the wall with Blu tac. Then lie down  on the floor directly underneath it, with your phone well out of reach, just in case you unfortunately survive the impact.

    Turn the volume and bass up first.

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