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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Well, quite. I meant “intellectual whore” in the same way you meant “intellectual midget”. My view is that he rents out his mind and mouth for whoever is paying, not that he is a mix of Kirsty Wark and Belle du Jour. 

    I too was a big fan of the Hitch back in the day, and perusing my bookshelf I see my signed copy of No One Left to Lie To is still there next to my prized David Berglas. I also enjoyed his demolition of Mother Theresa, I suspect not a popular choice with Brother Peter the Christian. My reading it at work waiting for my wife to clock off did cause a memorably terse exchange with a hospital chaplain one evening, before an elderly patient invited him to “fuck off back to the Rectory”, which has stuck with me 20 odd years on.

    Belle du Jour wouldn’t be seen dead in Cape Verde.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Well, quite. I meant “intellectual whore” in the same way you meant “intellectual midget”. My view is that he rents out his mind and mouth for whoever is paying, not that he is a mix of Kirsty Wark and Belle du Jour. 

    I too was a big fan of the Hitch back in the day, and perusing my bookshelf I see my signed copy of No One Left to Lie To is still there next to my prized David Berglas. I also enjoyed his demolition of Mother Theresa, I suspect not a popular choice with Brother Peter the Christian. My reading it at work waiting for my wife to clock off did cause a memorably terse exchange with a hospital chaplain one evening, before an elderly patient invited him to “fuck off back to the Rectory”, which has stuck with me 20 odd years on.

    The Jefferson book was tremendous and I have read those two books. ‘The Trial of Kissinger’ is an eye-opener as is ‘Hostage to History.’ I thought ‘God is not Great’ ambled behind Dawkin’s ‘Delusion’ but there was an agreed agenda and they did work together, sort of.

    If you haven’t read ‘The 4 Horsemen’ I’d recommend it. A colleague loaned my copy of ‘God’ for his brother who was a Catholic Bishop. The cunt never returned it. Does this mean he’s in Lucifer’s sights?

  3. 2 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    She's certainly got a massive thigh gap. I must ask him about that, also when flicking the bean, is it on the right or left.

    You’re a bloke. You shouldn’t care.

    Unless, of course, you’re a Ugandan mullah?

    • Like 1
  4. 39 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    Im yet to be convinced DC. My mates been knocking one off for quite some time. She's quite tall, good looking with a fantastic figure and dosnt have the often typical chinky bandy legs, She lives mostly here but goes back to Chink land quite often for a week or two. According to him, she's a major share holder in a massive Chinese construction company and lives a multimillionaire lifestyle, which she certainly seems to do. He tells me she shaves her mick too, so no worries about the pubes. 

    To be honest, i'd be up it's snatch like a rat up a drain pipe given half the chance. Must ask him if she has a sister. They met at the V8 car races in Auckland. 


    She’s unique then and lucky to be alive. They’ve killed most of their female children and a long-legged one ain’t no good in a paddy field.

  5. 31 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    Im yet to be convinced DC. My mates been knocking one off for quite some time. She's quite tall, good looking with a fantastic figure and dosnt have the often typical chinky bandy legs, She lives mostly here but goes back to Chink land quite often for a week or two. According to him, she's a major share holder in a massive Chinese construction company and lives a multimillionaire lifestyle, which she certainly seems to do. He tells me she shaves her mick too, so no worries about the pubes. 

    To be honest, i'd be up it's snatch like a rat up a drain pipe given half the chance. Must ask him if she has a sister. They met at the V8 car races in Auckland. 


    How did he catch her? I mean, a V8 in a rickshaw?

  6. On 26/12/2020 at 13:25, Williewhoopassjohnson said:

    Yeah its the same round our way, you'd be some sort of cunt to report your neighbours on boxing day though wouldn't ya. Imagine the law boot your door in just as your playing revels roulette and cs gas you becuase your nans hid in the attic like anne Frank 

    About as appropriate as buying Anne Frank a drumkit.

  7. 30 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

    I'd go opiate overdose if i were Australian, and i'm quite surprised more shackle rattlers havnt already under the guidance of fucking Scott Morrison. A bigger galah you wont find anywhere, but thast just my opinion which is worth fuck all in the scheme of things. 

    I think China though as such is changing and will continue to change so not as fearful as they used to be. Certainly they seem to be more attuned than Trump to the world issues. I'm no "god botherer" by any means, but somewhere in the bible im told by some religious zealot i met a while back. There's a passage or statement, that the yellow men or peril or something like that will rule the world. Ive never bothered to look or even find out about it though. 

    Whats the NZ plan, i'm sure we have one at all, we have basically no army or air force or navy. Plus we pissed off the yanks years ago by banning their nuclear ships in our ports. So we are probably fucked.  The Maoris would probably take to the forests and progressively ambush the fuckers, boil them or just eat then raw. A return to the good old days.  I'd probably just find myself a good looking Chinese bird with a tight quim, and shag myself into an early grave. 

    Historically, the slopes have never been empirical conquerors. They’re definitely planning an economical takeover, but territorially? Perhaps a few islands that clear their way for shipping and they’d quite like Taiwan back, but that’s about it. The more prosperous their middle and lower classes get, the more chance that they won’t stand for their commie masters and they’ll be overthrown, but by that time, the little yellow cunts will own everything.

    More crucial in this discussion is how flexible are you,physically JSP? You do know that their flat-arsed tart’s clungepots go sideways? And what about their constant subservient whimpering and gunge collecting straight pubes? It’ll get old....quickly, I’d suggest.



  8. 1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

    Peter Hitchens writes for the Daily Heil, or it might be the Heil on Sunday, so is required to be a dribbling imbecile. The irony of him droning on about how fragile snowflakes are yet all the while having comments disabled on his articles (presumably because he doesn’t want to read “wanker” a thousand times) appears entirely lost on him. Though he would never admit it, he trades on his brothers’ reputation while simultaneously purveying the sort of controversialist nonsense his paymasters instruct him to. He takes deliberately provocative positions not through any underlying principles, as his lifelong journey from teenage Marxist to middle aged Reactionary shows, but because he is paid to be outrageous. He is an intellectual whore - one of many - and belongs in the stocks being pelted with the sort of shit he is so happy to fling.

    Fuck all ‘intellectual’ about Peter, LCS. His brother on the other hand was tremendous and flawed. He went from being a Marxist to centre-right which kind of goes with age. But at least he lived it, saw it and was memorably eloquent. I enjoyed his talents and can even forgive him having Martin Amis up his hoop, back in the day. His brother is a lightweight fraud, an intellectual midget who really should have had the family cancer gene instead of Hitch.

  9. 1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

    I do think the virus is real, but I'm sceptical about this really convenient "new strain" that suddenly appeared on the horizon when they had every cunt out Christmas shopping - and even if the new strain is a genuine thing and not a convenient excuse for them to get everyone back inside and stop licking one another's faces, then the fact that it was detected in September and nowt was done until the New Year is fucking ludicrous.

    Its a lose-lose situation. They're either devious little lying cunts choosing the profits of the Christmas rush over people's safety and are now telling even more porkies to wrestle back control, or window licking mongs who just sat and watched as the virus mutated right on their fucking doorstep. 

    Oh well... at least the vaccines are coming... after they've injected every fucking smooth brain, living fossil in the country with it first before it actually gets to the cunts who have more to do than just sit in a chair all day and shit themselves.

    I was told, SEVEN weeks ago by a chap who works at a very high level in telecoms, for the government that we’d be getting fucked on the 4th Jan. I told several close mates (despite being told to keep things shtum, because I’m a cunt.) The decision to let the rabble out over Xmas, despite it being ridiculous, was about commercialism and the fear that no cunt would take any notice of a Xmas lockdown and once the plebs realised that government orders are not enforceable by the police, anarchy would ensue & they’d need the army on the streets. 

    Thanks to years of cuts and austerity, there aren’t enough police or military to enforce the governments edicts. These cunts aren’t daft, they have to govern by consent because they can’t/won’t enforce.

    So this ‘new strain’ shit is bollocks and so is the fuckin data. This date has long been fixed. Pity I’ve got no clue about gambling.



    • Like 2
  10. On 02/01/2021 at 20:13, Goober said:

    Funny you should say that. You do strike me as the kind of deviant that would park his mobility scooter behind an unsuspecting lady on a late night underground service before finger flicking a bit of his fallen-short-of-the-mark seedless cock batter into her hair and then surreptitiously slinking off to the next carriage, disappointed that she hadn't noticed your sick pathetic effort. 

    Point of order here. How does one ‘slink’ on a mobility scooter. No offence intended like.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    I've just read the article and seen the photo of him dressed up in a Nazi SS uniform. As a non-sensitive, mentally stable man, I'm not particularly offended by this. What does offend me is the double standards of fat fucking face Morgan. He had the audacity to suggest that Justin Trudeau should resign over a decades old photo of him in black face, yet conveniently forgets dressing up in a uniform that generates untold hurt and anger for millions of people. Is it any wonder that he defended Paul Hollywood when he similarly dressed up in the outfit of an SS commando.

    How the fuck isn't this shit being plastered over every newspaper's front page?

    No better day to bury ‘bad’ news?

  12. 1 minute ago, King Billy said:

    Piers the cunt Morgan Latest. 

    Preaching and lecturing every cunt on his show in the run up to Christmas and back on air today trying to bully Matt Hancock. “Why aren’t you putting the whole country into full lockdown?”

    Just been found to have holidayed in Antigua with his family over Christmas, no pictures or mention of his trip on Twitter for the entire time. Telling the plebs to be responsible or they’d have blood on their hands, while living it up in 5 star Caribbean luxury.   Oh dear!

    Not surprised are you Bill? 

  13. 1 minute ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Yer onde end of a precarious supply chain for a lot of things ya need..meds..food..fuel..be nice ..over here we're just goin to go around ya till we are sure the torays arent going to have anymore brain farts n rile up those hot blooded frogs again


    Fuck me. And you’re not?

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

    Think its because its more expense n hassle to flog stuff to y'all when there's 500 million easier customers to deal with


    350 million of them are fuckin bankrupt, then there’s your Spud-republic peasants. You may have a point, the UK scurvy tablet exporters could struggle.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

    It's better than Cape Verde by some margin, granted, but Nassau is a bit of a shit-tip. Some of the outlying islands are better, but facilities can be rudimentary. At one point I considered domiciling myself there for tax reasons and I may get round to it eventually, because it's really fucking handy for a whole bunch of other places. 

    Go to Bermuda, far more upmarket, bent and covert with pink beaches. Handy for the East Coast of the USA & Canada (Montreal filth bucket women who dress like elegant Europeans) and a shorter flight home for when HMRC eventually catch up with you so 2-3 hours less time in handcuffs.

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