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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

    The Achilles Heel in this nomination is the juxtaposition of BBC and "femininity": terms I usually take to be in complete opposition. 

    The call for "the government to get tough" shows you have been living on another olanet for some time and have only just decided to make contact with Earth in human form. 

    The fuck would you know about this concept Harry Pluto?

  2. 1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

    Comparison's of R's fabulous wealth, which is not completely out of context in a UK sports scene addled with vice and the lowest morals of any section of the human population (to the extent that Team GB is currently putting out feelers to jump the vaccination queue for the Tokyo Olympics) isn't really doing it for me. Sort out your targets. If it's tax dodging that's fair enough. Just being rich and campaigning for a bit of extra foid for kiddies isn't really a problem in most people's eyes to the extent it seems to have taken over and obsessed you. For fucks sake you poor fucking thing and grow up. 

    Thank you for your valuable contribution to the diaspora and kindly get fucked H. You’re more entertaining  after a few lungfuls of Leb Red. Get to it eh?

    • Like 1
  3. I couldn’t care less about how many procedures these vacuous skanks pay for or how disfigured & septic they become. The more the better I say. But taxpayers funds via the NHS to treat them? I don’t fucking think so. They should be given two years to pay the state back, if they don’t/won’t then it’s orange boilersuit time cleaning the streets up. That’ll get their weight down. Then, kill them.

  4. I see Erdogan is weaponising an army of plastic surgeons in a grotesque attempt at destroying the flowers of British womanhood. The government here needs to get tough with this Ottoman cunt, justifiably permitting the NHS to rectify this torrent of disfigurements is not enough. Maybe a tax on kebab houses and barber shops here will curb this sinister and covert attack on the very essence of British femininity?


    It’s the real pandemic in our midst.



  5. 8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Do you remember the public information film that urged the elderly or otherwise unstable to use a proper step ladder to reach light bulbs, shelves etc, rather than standing on a chair?

    The expression on the old lady's face as she crashed through the glass front of the regency style bookcase still makes me laugh, just from memory.

    What you weren’t informed of was the said elderly female then successfully sued the police & won an expensive all inclusive holiday in paradise. Probably.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

    I suspect that some punters who like to burnish their hard nut street cred on the boards meekly comply and in all probability wear several masks.

    True, but I cant help but wonder that there members of the public who take advantage of the loophole in not having to disclose the medical reason for the claimed exemption. It wouldn't surprise me if yet another amendment to the Covid Act was made that requires mask-exempt patients to carry a certificate authenticated by a doctor or other suitably qualified practitioner to confirm the exemption entitlement without specifying the medical reason.

    Medical reasons for not wearing a mask could be graded against those medical reasons for wearing one. Maybe a certified card that has to be produced by the non-mask wearer. The authorities could then ask the abstainer wether their condition trumps the alternative of a baseball bat across the eye sockets for non-compliance? Spastic cunts.

  7. 1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

    In other words you can't answer the question and the report was submitted for reasons I previously alluded to.

    ‘Small boy....pants down....sound thrashing?’ Comments aimed at Billy, who’s a male heterosexual Christian and was wounded due to this slur. Bangs gavel.

  8. 1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Oh that one. Forgive me, but we wade through loads of reports, 95% of them eminently forgettable due to their spuriousness. Its not unknown for petulant punters to submit reports for retaliatory reasons. How did my post break the rules?

    This is futile. If you’re not wearing an orange boilersuit now, you’re not going to. This is a judicial travesty.

  9. On 07/01/2021 at 18:59, Trucking Funt said:

    The thing is, Mike Pence might actually invoke the 25th amendment because Trump has pissed off a fuckload of Republicans on the George W. Bush wing of the party whose support he will need for the republican nomination in 4 years time. Even the purely symbolic nature of such a move would go a long way in distancing himself Trump and attracting support from the centre of the GOP. It would be a totally unprecedented move but not out of the question by any means.

    He wouldn’t fucking dare.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    Sorry. I didn't know you were an estate agent too. Do you share an office with Punkape, and let multiple occupancy accommodation to your African lovers... 

    You’ve misread me. I manage to live on and in ‘estate’.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    Sorry. I didn't know you were an estate agent too. Do you share an office with Punkape, and let multiple occupancy accommodation to your African lovers... 

    Moi? Never...

  12. 3 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

    Sold them on Ebay. The delivery address was an estate agency in Birkenhead funnily enough. I made an absolute killing as some dickhead paid 2 grand for them... 

    How's about that then! 

    You’ve voided our confidentiality clause MC....yacunt.

  13. 9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    To quote the late, great George  Floyd, man of our times....”I CAN’T BREATHE !!!” 

    Officer Chauvin..... “Is it my knee or the fucking mask sir?”

    Turned out to be the massive amount of drugs he’d consumed that even his ‘two car garage’ nose couldn’t cope with.

    Burn Loot Murder.

    Bill’s Life Matters or Boyne Loving Methodist?

  14. I’m happy, nay, actively encourage the singed to go mask-free and go to their places of worship and hovel clusters in their droves Eric. But to lose our caucasian brethren on this forum, to stupidity? This pains me.....get a fuckin mask on ya helmetflakes.

  15. 1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

    Well that contained more common sense than the BBCs daily updates anyway.  

    'Everybody stay at home, wear masks and avoid close proximity... unless you're black, Muslim or gay, then carry on doing exactly as you want (the police won't bother you), and if and when you do catch it, just blame it on racism and homophobia!

    Tune in tomorrow when we explain why all white people are evil. Except the women(fuck pets for negroes)'


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