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Dyslexic cnut

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Posts posted by Dyslexic cnut

  1. 2 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

    The Hispanics are a larger demographic now and have been for some time. Now they've got organised at a political level, they're picking off the inner cities where plastic paddies once ruled the roost. A prime example of this is that spastic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wiping her arse with the sitting congressman "Irish"-American Joe Crowley in New York.

    Soon, "Irish"-American influence will be confined to Massachusetts where they can reminisce about the days of that pervert JFK.

    Bog and ditch diggers is all they were brought in to do. They wield no real power and never fuckin have. The bootlegging shithouses, the dead Kennedy’s are Mick Royalty over there and those with the real power & money, the Blue Blood families of the north-eastern states never allowed them to be accepted into the upper echelons of Yank society. When they started to make strides their two brightest boys were executed. Stick to what you know best, boghopper, singing, jigging and drinking for our entertainment. You’ll always be white niggers.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

    The little bastards can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. If their mothers can't find their black fathers to get maintenance from them it's not my problem. The little slags should stop wasting their money on buying 20 cigs and a bottle of cider every day and buy food instead.

    ...and Kardashian ‘procedures’ and tatoos.

  3. 3 hours ago, Decimus said:

    There's me bigging myself up as one of the site's most prolific reporters and I've gone and missed this. What's the situation, D?

    The Old Bint of the Old Bailey here, was reported for a flagrant rule breach hinting at Bill being a nonce (Bill was giving her a good shoeing and no mistake.) She has failed to take action against herself and despite acknowledging the report, later denied knowing anything about it.

    She’s on the ropes here and fighting for her very credibility, it’ll take more than PMing members pictures of herself in ermine knickers with the gusset tastefully displaced to one side to survive imho. Possibly.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

    Sounds like a mild case of PTSD from your recent thrashings. Too bad you react badly to being owned. Grow a spine and move on as the displays of bitterness aren't doing you any favours.

    Why are you not banned right now?

  5. Would that it was so straightforward. Just because we snootily conclude that Trump’s a nobhead, he really is not over in the States which is a hugely divided country right now. I have some very bright, rational friends over there in New York who find him personally reprehensible but have gradually come to the conclusion that he is a far better option than what awaits from a cynical and warped left-wing that Biden cannot control. I know other people in the mid-West who simply worship him. So, over here, it looks black & white...it’s far from that in the States and if this desire for public humiliation of Trump persists it may very well have violent and terminal repercussions.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    Since the day of the ‘coup’ according to a Rasmussen poll, (the most accurate polling organisation for the last 5 years in the USA) his popularity rating has increased by 3 or 4 points, depending on which day precisely. He also topped the annual Gallup poll as the most popular person on Earth. Those bridges are the exact reason why the establishment are terrified of him and why they’ve gone all in to try to destroy him once and for all. They will fail, as they have with the long list of previous attempts. 

    🇱🇷🇱🇷M A G A 🇱🇷🇱🇷

    Impeachment is a huge fucking mistake imho. He’s been neutered for a while by the social media Nazis so he can’t threaten the inauguration as such. But if Pelosi and the Dem dickheads insist on a public humiliation I believe Trumps loony fringe may very well erupt and the scenes at the Capitol will be repeated country wide. Clueless fucking idiots could push this unhealthily close to civil war.

  7. 44 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

     No covid here. So you can fuck off. 

    NZ is where it's at. Known as Gods own country, or Godzone by locals. 

    Fuck off again. 

    ‘Land of the long white cloud’ is what it was known as. Old man was a skipper for the NZ Shipping company. He loved the place and we were meant to move there once upon a time. He had no time for Australia, he said it was a floating turd.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Bilbo, a bit of friendly advice.

    I found myself in a similar situation to you a few years back when I attempted to trumpet the cause of my own political hero. Unfortunately, despite my strong convictions, the absolute hatred the majority of members felt for said cunt was insurmountable and I soon realised that I was going round in circles trying to convert them to my way of thinking.

    I personally think that Trump is a corrupt, egotistical, narcissistic, absolute fucking disgrace. Similarly, I imagine that you have more than a few choice words to say about my own pin up boy, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, which is why I haven't challenged you on any of your assertions re Trump. But you need to let it go, even if you believe one hundred percent that he had the election stolen from him and he was one of the best presidents in US history, his reputation is far too tarnished for you to ever rescue it on here. It's the same with Blair, I can't defend him without fending off dozens of posts referencing his perceived faults.

    Give it up Billy and just start throwing around nonce accusations instead, that's what I did.


    Brilliant, but reported.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

    Wait until you get to see Jacko in full flow, Aitch.

    He's a raconteur beyond compare. If you enjoy tales of garden furniture, childhood escapades in a Scottish slum, schoolboy braggadocio about how many vodkas you can drink through your nose and discussions with Frank about meeting up at the Savoy for an "eyeball", you're not going to be disappointed.

    As he's a right boring fucking cunt, I imagine he's going to be right up your alley.

    Which this cunt will enjoy, metaphorically.

  10. 3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

    I wear 6 masks and triple up on latex gloves when I’m driving my M4. I also sit on 3 cushions because of the harsh suspension. I’m finding the steering a bit too much for my stick arms too. But  those are just minor irritations and quickly forgotten when I think to myself, I own this fine piece of automotive engineering, bought and paid for with my own hard earned cash. That’s a very satisfying feeling don’tcha   know? Maybe not. 😂

    Have you used the ‘Fuchs mode’ much this week, Bill?

  11. 1 minute ago, Trucking Funt said:

    To quote from the particulars:

    He repeatedly grabbed his victim and told her he wanted to have an affair with her - although he is unmarried - during the drink-fuelled assault, which lasted more than 20 minutes. He is said to have tried to pull up her nightdress, and pushed her up against a wall and groped her bottom and genitals.

    He even looks like fucking nonce.

    Simon Bowes-Lyon, a cousin of the Queen, faces prison after he sexually assaulted a guest at his ancestral home. Pictured: Bowes-Lyon outside Dundee Sheriff Court yesterday

    Typical public school educated wanker. A twenty minute sexual assault and he couldn’t even get her nighty off? Neil could have done her & had her buried in ten.

  12. 1 minute ago, Trucking Funt said:

    Except normal people know how to take no for an answer. This filthy cunt spent 20 minutes trying to strip a defenceless woman naked. I'm sure he'll be popular during his stay at Barlinnie. Jimmy McPsycho is going to peel the cunt like an apple and throw him to the pigeons.

    Jimmy McPsycho wouldn’t be seen dead in Cape Verde.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

    Sounds like he tried to get his leg over whilst pissed......there for the grace of God go all of us....

    ‘But for the grace of God?’ Surely? Unless noncery comes from your white-bearded sky-cunt on high? Oh....hang on a minute here!

  14. 4 minutes ago, Fatty said:

    Just arrived back in old blitey (shit hole), glad to see not a lot has changed, you lot are still massive cunts, just saying

    So, a sandbar cow pat floating off the Caribbean full of darkies isn’t? It begs the question ‘why did you return?’ Next time, get John Denver to fly you down there.

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