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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. None taken old chap. I love the word "cockwomble". Beats "hedgebender" by a few yards. Mind you "knickerpicker" is still my preferred choice of gentle rebuke.
  2. This is becoming the drooling default response, not to know, not to understand, not to follow, not to care.... sounds like the government.
  3. I apologise for my recent comments describing you as a little shit with nothing constructive to contribute. This post proves I was wrong about the second part. The shit part sticks however.
  4. I'll kneel to that, while I'm down there I'll go round with the mini hoover.
  5. The demise of C4 started when Michael (de) Grade took over from the arty and aspirational Jeremy Isaacs in 1989(?)
  6. Enjoy the bag over your head with an oxygen drip feed Motherfucker.
  7. I'm appealing to Mrs Roops to confine this cunting to one Stanley, the one and only Sir Stanley of Pelion, Knight of the Order of Athens (Plaka area) and humble servant of Constantine King of the Greeks in Waiting while we are all waiting for his blood relative slitty eyed Prince Philip to die in his sleep.
  8. They say Daddy Maxwell topped himself off his boat - didn't bear examination then. And furiously covered up since. And what about David Maxwell where are the brothers in all this?
  9. Do bears shit in the wood? Course not. Would a "fucker" like that help out his friends by topping himself? And what did a toff like Andrew have in common with Epstein in order to hang around five of his houses and invite him to Windsor?
  10. I'm taking the knee later at about 9 aftwr I have a bath. You'll probably be on Stubby's fist by then.
  11. Giant wasn't an exaggeration.
  12. Imagine a typical Stanley day at Johnson Mansions, Pelion, Greece. Now look out the window and the calender to check your next (which happens to be the wirst in Europe) State Pension day. Then check outside on your fresh growing grapes and peaches while Nikos your private chef prepares an authentic Greek salad for breakfast. Outside, the imported colonial Disco is waiting for the daily excursion into the cool mountains or to a local secluded sandy cove...Hold that image. Then look at Boris Johnson.
  13. Point taken. But will stick around for the fights to break out and they break the place up. Meanwhile, Cheers!
  14. Pure Polytechnic. As they say, the trendy new buzz word in advertising Puuuurrrfect!
  15. Appeal to a higher authority called Ape doesn't reflect well on your ancestry Stubby.
  16. The facts spake otherwise Spunker I. C. CC.
  17. Ice Station Zebra with Patrick McGoooey.
  18. The dry humper pops up, unlike his dead cock.
  19. I'll go with the 25% Happy? Thanks Cuntman. It's like getting that smiley face on the village speed camera. You have made my day.
  20. More constructive wit from the extinct branch of human evolution. Swing out over a cess pit, drop in and stay there. And fucking pay Dr Drew some respect you amphetamine corker. One day you will need him.
  21. Is Uppingham the place where Stein likes it UP EM?
  22. You clearly have fell under Rick's spell as a Cornish scullion boy. Was scrubbing the restaurant floor on your hands and knees part of the course?
  23. I didn’t know Rock Hudson cruised in Cornwall.
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