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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Gates computer services the Pentagon. Musk is NASA'S saviour. I don't think playboy Epstein had anything to do with them.
  2. The DVDs he wants I don't touch.
  3. I thought it was a ghetto in Switzerland. Monaco had enough of Dame Shirley and that little shit Chris Froome.
  4. Is it cos I'm black. Black Mercedes. Black windows. How does a 26 year old graduate of the FE College of East London, Stratford Campus, conveniently located for lunchtime nicking at Westfields, get a 60k motor? For the love of sport. Fuck me. I cleared 5'6" in the high jump at school and all I got was verbal abuse. Racially motivated - obviously.
  5. You are probably living off their donated organs. I am on waiting list for a new face.
  6. That's a change from the Heath where social distancing is now reduced from 2 metres to 6 inches.
  7. 1/10 for maintaining the thin veneer covering Further Education subnormality.
  8. A post colonial lodge in the Botswanian Tulli Block. Come over for a few drinks. Bring Theresa by all means.
  9. I already live in a branch of it, it's called Londistan.
  10. Yeah, yeah, yeah Old Boy, fucking magic.
  11. Even the "Whities" as I heard myself called on a bus in East London by a group of his poor relations.
  12. However, I would just like to point out the Heath has re-opened for business with social distancing reduced from 2 metres to 6 inches. You'll find Woody JJ up there getting hard.
  13. The Indians are belted up and bricked by China and Russia. Everybody (except the post Cold War proxy states like Taiwan, Japan and S Korea and the fucking racists in Aussie and NZ) want the AMERICANS OUT of the Far East. There is no Realpolitik game or strategy to play. The USA have already lost.
  14. Is that specially for darling Lewis or moi? Billy I knew you wouldn't fail me. Incidentally, what time tomorrow morning does your shift start at the bakery?
  15. All I know he has brown tread marks on his pants as wide as Philip's Disco's back wheel.
  16. Thus spake the voice of East London Uni/ Polytechnic/ F. E. College out of Stratford Campus (handy for a bit of lunchtime nicking at Westfields) blah blah nearing maturity. Fuck off.
  17. I'm surprised you have a good word for the rat.
  18. You and Ape should twin like no hope rust belt northern Europe slag heaps sniffing each others arses.
  19. Oh no not this fucking pile of 'Ain't I hard?' cock and bullshit movie that lives up its own arse in a celebrated rust belt landscape of incompetents, wackos and amateur gangsters. No wonder the rest of the world laughs at us.
  20. Peehaps it's the panties fetish...
  21. The male strain of royals is psychologically flawed. The females seem to have much stronger and normal characters. But when you have a govt like the current one under Johnson I would welcome back mad King George into power - as a proper monarch - since the British constitution is a figment anyway.
  22. The little tight arse promptly transferred his tax residency to Switzerland when he signed up to Formula One - thanks and fuck off to the country that cared for him, educated him and generally nurtured his rise to success. Just waiting for him to do an Ayrton Senna so I can crack open a vintage Special Brew to celebrate the death of a tax rat. Only ten million Specials to go.............. But this CUNT IS SPECIAL.
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