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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Thanks, now get back on the road and deliver those bog rolls to the Midlands because my arse is caked with shit.
  2. Straight into my book. You fucking wanker. I've got a toe nail clipping detail for you at THE CARE HOME FOR OLD CUNTS.
  3. I aimed to prick a prick not any conscience. You'll go in my book.
  4. The CC is a fucking Red Wall Cummings Cunt loving club with its collective tongue up the Johnson arsehole. Good luck losers.
  5. I know there's some get down black ass in Stratford.
  6. And Rickles took it like a man.
  7. Which edition of the big black Guinness Book of Facts are you referring to shit face. Actually I think Guinness had an advertising slogan about "loving the black" or similar. Neutral Cunt.
  8. Alfie Berman/Richardson Gang entering real life, c. 1960s But then Kissinger/Nixon not nuch difference.
  9. i. e. they were looking for a barney with police. If the little cow continues like this her generous commercial sponsors will quietly let her go. Her agent and Christie must be shitting buttons on a PR exercise. The thing is there are a LOT of really nice and reasonable youngsters in athletics who can easily replace them. So that's your LAST 60K motor darling.
  10. There's a cure for plaque. Get an Oral B girl and stick her up your arse until she comes out your mouth then firmly brush for two minutes with concentrated bleach.
  11. Is that the one where he bums Watson while playing the fiddle?
  12. All old rich Jew boys have a gangland connection. Look at Hesh in the Sopranos.
  13. I'd like to fucking squash your face into a brass plate then stick it under your front door bell.
  14. "Following guidelines." Ready to criticise carers. Refuse to criticise Cummings. The fat fucking cunt. I wish he'd fucking died.
  15. Who came up with that name "Commonwealth"? Is he the one who coined such noble expressions as "British justice" "Land of Hope and Glory" "Mother of Parliaments". Ha ha ha.
  16. They eat curry with their left hand.
  17. I was just quoting the Chinese Ambassador who simply can't leave it alone.
  18. If I saw those two in a 60k car two ideas would flash simultaneously STOLEN..........................DRUGS Bring Linford Christie into the argument......... Idea Three: CHIP.......... ON......... SHOULDER.
  19. Clearly a refugee from Rose Tremain's Restoration - now Chancellor of East Anglia University (Didn't she do well?) The only decent film Robert Downey Jnr. did before he went all iron and drug free spastic.
  20. I thought Bing was a browser?
  21. You know the place inside out... ergh!
  22. The only people worried about a paltry 750m pension pot was the Mirror employees. More likely Mossad as he was a go-between.
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