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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. What about Derek Guyler. He was a bit random wasn't he?
  2. They always do to a very generous tax free consultancy in some despotic water cannon infested flea pit in the Middle East. Just one office desk away from a Kashoggi.
  3. OK make that £10 notes.... because I like you. (no apologies to Dick Emery's Mandy)
  4. Good advice from a Cunt who's done more Re Habs than the Betty Ford Clinic.
  5. I am just trying to draw the splinter out with a needle. You sound OK to me..... for a cunt.
  6. Is the "better half" your butt cheeks you use to pick up £5 notes off the gay dance floor?
  7. The people who award themselves chestful of medals for figureheading and laying the occasional wreath.
  8. I would like you to repeat that while gobbling a plate of Prezzo's finest thanks to that gibbering monkey in the background's August voucher scheme. I bet the table cloth would be unusable.
  9. The post refers to you. Cunt LOL. (and who uses the term "video it" nowdays?)
  10. 65K deaths and worst in Europe would be something to start criminal proceedings. But colonialists put a very low value on human life except their own.
  11. By "I'd like get mind" translates from pissed chav into "If only I could invite the old boy over for a Devon cream tea and Full HD 1080p presentation of Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia" with a prolonged intermission just after Benny mutters, "Nobody loses all the time", during which I will slit my own throat. Nite nite Stubby.
  12. I thought it was Knox ENTRAILS. As my cock is so huge I might be able to bring some practical experience to bear on this subject.
  13. Unappetising mixed metaphors.
  14. Steady on mate, we've spent £30billion on the fucker.
  15. You would know. I haven't seen a single fox since I moved out of the smoke despite continuous prowling around at night.
  16. It's funny how old Chris Patten (who I think was Chairman of the BBC at the time of Savile) and Leon Brittan were so close. Chris still can't forgive the Chinese for treating him with contempt he so richly deserved then (and still does) piping up from his new cosy sinecure as Chancellor of Oxford University (where else?) about Hong Kong. Eighteenth century corruption and patronage and protection is alive and well in "modern" Britain.
  17. Actually I spotted a nice pack for £1.35 in the Co-Op after I had paid for my supply of Specials and Cider to get me through the next few hours, but I couldn't be arsed to go round the one way system and wait for fucking twenty minutes to be served again. For a fucking minute organism that moves like the speed of light, it certainly has kyboshed the speed of commercial transactions in everyday life.
  18. I don't feel comfortable unless everybody else is female and every topic is either to do with women or is treated from a female perspective. However, I do insist that presentation and production is mainly in the hands of Oxbridge privately educated boarding school types and that invited guests and experts conform to this classification. Where other social groups do impinge on my Bush House (called the "bush") I maintain the good old tradition of speaking to them in a patronising way and displaying a polite disdain. (from the Thoughts of Lord Punkape the inheritor of mad dog Tebbit's Chair of the Conservative Party on the threshold of a new dawn of Thatcherism - the second wave)
  19. Sorry. I'll lay off. At least until I've read your latest post.
  20. My experience of coppers is that A) if you are on the right side of the law and if you act and speak with civility you are alright. If you behave like the quartet of Brit lads who were fined €1,000 each for sitting in a Malaga airport taxi, refusing to wear face masks, arguing with the driver, then arguing with the Spanish police, then YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU GET AND TRY ON THE RACIST OR POLICE HEAVY HANDEDNESS EXCUSES OUT THERE AND YOU WILL GET EXTRA. The fact is popular and especially black culture has spewed out a generational generalised anti-police anti-authority and anti-social propaganda which has been motivated by greed and negative reasons rather than any political action. I dare say Bianca Williams and her darling come from that sewer.
  21. Neil I would think this nom had direct relevance to your current status, under Section, as a long term door stop in the communal seating area of your secure unit.
  22. That's what I like... somebody who tries. "Nobody loses all the time."
  23. Your wit is as light as Keith's black sausage and offal Galician hot pot.
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