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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I think Ape needs more help than that. Possibly a Special Needs teacher to help him read it. If only he was allowed to be near real women. Are you getting used to that bracelet round your ankle?
  2. Do the Italians still charge extra for sitting down? Tight as arseholes and whole country is a fucking tourist cash register.
  3. Stubby you consistently DISAPPOINT like BBC TV
  4. I just hope they managed to complete that mobile phone call while dealing with the moron driving behind them. Fuck off, preferably by the side of the road upside-down.
  5. Consensus out of nonsense achieved. Well done boys.
  6. There you go after you had your pureed lunch and the colostomy bag has been emptied. I'd fucking empty it over your head.
  7. I think this is the Right War but the Wrong Battle.
  8. I slightly agree with your assessment of the fall out. But I see the whole affair as a diversionary exercise executed with the usual British colonial authoritarianism which covers up the general racism and inequality in so called modern Britain. The people at the top love interracial spats like this that lead nowhere. Divide and rule. Black v. White. These cunts are just obscuring the top dogs. Look at the values encapsulated in 26 year old black owns posh car. She's just part of the fucking problem. A trope.
  9. I tell you where this all leads to... the fucking cattle market called Love Island Australia. 1950s encourage women to go to work and two income families (BBC) 1960s encourage sexual liberation and womens rights (BBC) 1970s onwards, expand the market for feminine products supported by commercial advertising, 1990s onwards second wave of hardline feminism from USA picked up by UK academia and BBC, a high proportion of media advertising revenue based on capturing artificially created female audiences in a gender fluid society, full circle Love Island Australia.
  10. Mrs Roops in the scale of atrocities towards black people at the hands of white authority and scumbags in our great country, this minor scuffle amplified by smartphone technology, broadcast by a media eager to cover up its own unequal and white privileged employment practises, is hardly a big deal.
  11. You haven't changed at all. The quiet needle. Fuck off and die.
  12. Trawling the misty windmills of your mind. Yeah we all got the record.
  13. When it makes sense you paranoid schizophrenic.
  14. Lift your dead eyelids a bit further, you old cretin, to the part of the website that shows the nom. Don't just take aim at the last post you old CUNT.
  15. You leave Caitlyn Jenner out of it. That ma.. er... woman has not travelled a long hard road only to end up in this shit hole of malice and spite to become the object of scorn and derision. Besides, we have Ape and Stubby Pecker for that.
  16. A rat communicates with a chimp. Wow, one for the Attenborough files.
  17. My whole point is that this giggling Nick Ferrari pin up Tory poster boy is Chancellor by proxy (as is most of the Cabinet to keep Bojo and Dom comfy) and is merely a front man for the real power behind the throne. Why did Javid resign?
  18. Disgusting allegations of the barracks life when the lights go out. Stubby is always there first, ready and waiting.
  19. Total bollocks. Fuck off and die.
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