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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. That's right prostrate yourself while I kneel on your fucking neck. If I can find it.
  2. Ashford has given you the green light Billy, even the MP Damian Green has decided to eat shite, on the "no consultation" pop up lorry park/cum human trafficking centre. What an extra treat fie his constituents on top of Covid!
  3. That's your fucking loss. Loser.
  4. That's the first two syllable word you have used in my presence. Mind you the absence of the four letter expletive not deleted is even more remarkable.
  5. It's a fucking New Port created for King Billy so he can carry on his international sex trafficking business in compliance with Britain's brexit trade agreement. Dover be prepared for some unusual smells.
  6. "witty constructs" Correction #1 UNWITTY Correction #2 DECONSTRUCTED
  7. The usual barber quartet of shite has hijacked a decent enough, if I say so myself, thread.
  8. One for the little gang* of piss artists in the terminal wing of cunts care home - fuck off. *Ape, Ratcum and Stubby Pecker who are clearly ex military arseholes that were even too fucking stupid to step on a landmine.
  9. Better than the fat pipe/dildo up your arse. No wonder the price of a barrel of oil is going back up. Now fucking join Andy Serkis and fuck off.
  10. I invite shielding residents at the cunts care home to compare Clive James Postcard from Berlin with Rick Stein's Long Weekend in Berlin* Admittedly the late great Clive benefited from popping up in the great martial city at a pregnant time in its history when it had just started to grapple with the fall of the Wall and reunification of Germany - you get all that atmosphere and depth - but you also get something Stein completely lacks: a graceful, light, knowing wit, that mocks but never sets out to hurt "foreigners", never takes himself seriously. What a pompous boring food guzzling ass Stein is by comparison. What a cretinous cunt surrounded by his complacent dim production team. As if anybody but a fucking subhuman pig would want to go to any of the great European cities featured in this shite tv series for the sole reason of eating, eating, eating Fucking codswallop served up as cookery/travelogue pseudo documentary. * Dear Rick, ONLY a weekend? Feels like a life time or life sentence with your fucking fat features constantly on the box.
  11. 2 of the large ones, each cheek, or 4 school lunch box sized ones, not that I'm into that.
  12. Stubby Pecker has his fist so far up Ape's arse he deserves a role in the next Planet film as Andy Serkis's costume panty liner.
  13. Tried to squeeze his balls too many times. After all he's testicular compromised - so I heard.
  14. I just hope the ankle bracelet is chafing so it can become infected.
  15. Dress it up as you will. Fact remains this skinny brown cunt is dolling out support for consumer spending like a dried up waddy in the desert. Hong Kong (OK there's a political motive - but aren't the British treated like shit because they accept it?) £1,000 voucher for everybody over 18. Channel Islands £100 (at least it is something) UK - sweet fuck all. I predict riots and severe social unrest by Christmas.
  16. Clearly you have a love hate affair with the country. It's a visit once place. The single most important turn off for me isn't the Italians but the fucking rich corrupt and other British inbreds who have bought up large swathes of Tuscany the so called Cianti high rollers. Fucking scandalous shits.
  17. Don't worry about Ape. "think Ape needs more help than that. Possibly a Special Needs teacher to help him read it. If only he was allowed to be near real women. Are you getting used to that bracelet round your ankle? "
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