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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Why is it all fucking "left wing" with you? You indoctrinated fuck.
  2. You mean "premature ejaculation" You miss him don't you
  3. Died in a glider accident.
  4. It's always somebody else, like a newbie, starting it. You fucking playground arsehole.
  5. Have you booked your procedure?
  6. Are you sharing with the bat you caravan scum bag?
  7. That's what the bat says - loving it....
  8. Well fuck me. I knew Brexit would have some downsides, but I didn't think I'd have to undergo gender re-assignment in order to leave the EU. Will it mean I'll start transitioning starting with a sort of Dominic Cummings asexual, turdish, nerdish look, ending in a blossoming into Dick Emery's Mandy? "Oh, you are awful. But I like you" Let's get going. A couple of big melons please.
  9. Blackie was the one "sleeping" in The League of Gentleman, or was it Whiskey? Euthanised by mistake.
  10. That's minature golf as played to perfection next door to Dreamland Southend. Are you entering the Egg Cup Championship Trophy next year?
  11. On that subject. Why is the fact that ChildeHarold has come in for some relentless abuse from the off and been sanctioned for retakiating, but the fuckers ChildeHarold reported are sailing on with two fingers stuck up in the air. Unusually, considering where they usually stick their digits. I sense insider dealing and a bit of Bob's Your Uncle going on.
  12. It's probably living in that fucking stupid beard on your prick face.
  13. I lived for six months in the Bahamas, I won't tell which part as they're still looking for me, and can swear blind I saw a family of mixed race piccannies that were the splitting image, though better looking, of Punkape.
  14. I also heard her go on a full frontal against health spending on rolling out prostrate cancer screening ("a waste of money") one suspects because she hates men anyway and wants every penny of the NHS spent on female related illness. Actually that's already the case. Men get far less in terms of health spending than women. Compared to other countries the male cancers death rates are shockingly worse while in terms of female cancers the UK is doing better than most other countries. What that cunt needs is a nice big black cock, preferably three, plugging her orifices. Unfortunately ideological Americanised feminism (there's a really aggressive hardcore third wave over there) has taken hold academically through the private education system in this country which fills Oxbridge and all the "cultural" and public service institutions in this country including the BBC. Another argument for abolishing private education.
  15. What's a keyboard Dick?
  16. Don't knock Harvey Weinstein he was responsible for some of the most thrilling moments in your life.
  17. Is this the Dead Airplane Society and are you Mat Damon testing for The Joker?
  18. So that's what's going down at your state of the art lorry rest services in Ashford with a big expansion being planned by good old Boris. By the way which one is your caravan on the site so I can throw some dog shit when I go bt?
  19. Is that a reference to the proposed dubious lorry border containment area near Ashford (a town that was shorn of its international train station status when Eurostar moved from Waterloo to Kings Cross St Pancras so ha ha ha ha) where Billy will be tendering for freshen up and lavatory services?
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