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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    I take the opposite view. You see a car is a beautiful thing. Like a woman Alfie.* You have to wine and dine her and lavish regular presents and tokens of your affection to get the best out of her. Finally it's not the tune up, it's how you spend quality time together afterwards. Mike knows all that. *apologies to The Fast Show
  2. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    Give me an example of your largesse fat cunt.
  3. Remember you are talking to a twat Judge Twat.
  4. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    That's part of the running gag of the show you tart. Of course they don't fucking make any money. Like all these so called working garages coming under umpteen different names from Yankee Doodle Land. It's a TV SHOW!!! The only close to reality garage on TV I can remember ever watching was in a series based in Spain which showed the nitty gritty more or less. Few years back. I think the kid was on the right track but wrong target. Now THIS SMOOTH BASTARD REALLY IS A CUNT WHERE EVERY SQUARE INCH OF MOTOR IS A DOLLAR BILL AND EVERYBODY ELSE IS JUST A MEANS TO THE NEXT MOTOR.
  5. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    You cheeky tyre tread. Mike is a living breathing petrol head legend who has left even Top Gear presenters trailing in his wake eating his dust. You aren't worthy enough to lick the tarmac where he just landed a nice fat grolly. Now Ed China, who does all the work, with principles, is a REAL CUNT.
  6. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    Grinning from ear to ear with GREEN ENVY aren't you? Trouble with you, Path Shit, as I've found out, is you hate other people's success. Anybody who has raised themselves off their primeval haunches and achieved a modicum of worldly largesse and status is a target for your resentment caused by a deep inner insecurity. LOL Babe and don't forget Songs of Praise on the Beeb later.
  7. Well Mrs Roops you've really sunk your teeth into this subject for personal and professional reasons. Wooah I'm backing off. I must say I still have strong feelings of professional loyalty even though most of IT was a shower of shit and most of THEM were cunts. LOL PS Do us a favour a spill the beans on that mystery Tory MP charged with rape? Who the fuck is it? What magic wand conceals the fucker's ID? Yet Julian Assange continues to endure a Stalinist Show Trial. Strange times we live in.
  8. White Cunt is still no better than used toilet paper.
  9. Who wouldn't given the chance? Before or after the massage oil?
  10. You are an excellent example of why three wheelers are inherently unstable cornering especially this Corner. The three wheeler CUNT.
  11. 1,439,323,776 people can't be wrong or fake. But YOU are!
  12. You are keeping looking at my posts like a bum chaser on Hampstead Heath. Should be nice and warm for you tonight creep.
  13. I agree on your earlier point before these mindless cretins becane keyboard warriors of the Corner. A spliff should be a legal entitlement at 18. Like having your first drink in a pub. There seems to be a hypocritical attitude towards alcohol regulation and personal responsibility and on the other hand soft drugs.
  14. Yes, my Pixar knowledge isn't quite uptodate. I think It's a Bugs Life predated Cars.
  15. Talking about that slogan reminds me of that Pixar film A Bugs Life.
  16. I suggest you phone these thoughts in to Rachel Johnson (Third Cunt in the Pack) on her 6 pm LBC show every Friday. She sounds so morally upright and clean the Brexit Minger, like a Himmler housewife.
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