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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Go and do the hokey cokey with Captain Tom.
  2. Totally agree. Most of the County is shit poor with the usual London mob transforming select seaside resorts into winter ghost towns with their second homes. Penzance has a massive drug problem like much of the West Country due to insularity turning to inbred laziness and sheer boredom. It's nearly as shit as the so called English "Riviera" of Torbay.
  3. Yep, us Cornish shepherds simply can't get a decent mouthful any more and the nearest glory hole is the Black Monkey in Tiverton.
  4. De Gaulle told the Yanks to fuck off when he learned they reserved the right to press the button on weapons stationed in France. They fucked off and France has an INDEPENDENT nuclear deterrent of its OWN. Britain rolled over and tok it up the arse through a mixture of COVER UP and LYING to its own people. Fucking pray 2 minutes silence for that. The notion we have the final say in the use of American warheads or missiles is ludicrous. So we know something the French and De Gaulle didn't? Truth is this country has never had a statesman leading it of the calibre of De Gaulle or Adenauer and his successors.
  5. The fact remains this government has displayed with almost military precision its contempt for state education, the 93% of the school population that DOESN’T go to private school (because they can't fucking afford £24k a year in school fees plus extras), that DOESN'T make up the 65% of entrants to Oxbridge who come from the 7% that go to private schools, and exposed all the fucking blah blah blah about levelling up as a FAKE like the FUCKING TWO MINUTE SILENCE. FUCKING KEEP YOUR CUNT MOUTHS SHUT ABOUT THAT.
  6. I think "Hi Yah" is really really perf.... fect. Language for the less than average.
  7. And don't forget Cliff Richard, but would we choose to go back to the era of cover up, when the Papers KNEW Cyril Smith was a paedophile but OBEDIENTLY followed govt instructions and COVERED IT UP? You can't have it BOTH ways.
  8. Seems your a fan of DICKSONCOCKGREEN with "Sarge" Jack Warner and perpetual side kick and future son in law "Andy".
  9. Being a Thatcherite living in the 21st Century you wouldn't know your arse from your elbow - though at least some on the Right are beginning to see beyond the fog of popularism and pernicious economic and social policies towards a more equitable blend of state and private enterprise. Clearly you are part of the old guard.
  10. Stop leading me up the path "and they sacrificed so you could do this." That's part of the hypnosis.
  11. And it is our job to behave like the world power we no longer have. Crazy. The only strength we had was inside the EU and THIS country in particular apart from having nothing in its history to be proud of, is too fucking stupid and arrogant to learn any lessons.
  12. As Kyren is nicely tucked up, Ronnie must think this title was a gyf.., er sorry, gift.
  13. Does Dennis Taylor still wear those Should Have Gone To Specsavers glasses?
  14. You don't have to re-model anything, just stop submitting to mass hallucination on a level that would make any dictator proud.
  15. Check the shelf life of this one....
  16. With cunts like you around for a short while anyway, I feel sorry for them too.
  17. "A whole tranche of the Nations’ Youth have been fucked so hard they will never recover." And I never got an invite. That's the real disgrace.
  18. They can whine as much as they like as long as they are barely 18, fresh out of school, fit as a fiddle, with huge tits and an ass to die for. Let the little darlings live!
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