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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Personal trainer, eh? A nod is as good as a wink to a blind man.
  2. Wednesday 19 August. Another One Minute Silence.... for the victims of the train crash in Scotland.
  3. I think this aggressive non contributor should be booted out for personalising every nom that somehow doesn't meet with his personal approval into a pub brawl with frequent threats and abuse including mothers prostitution etc. Please keep an eye on him and boot him out if he can't get his act together.
  4. So you've realised too he's an over compensating tiny penis nutter.
  5. That's why this country is going backwards with NF cunts like you.
  6. Considering we only had 8 public holidays planned in this country in 2020 (and one of those was purloined by the D-Day Anniversary last year) you would think there was scope to create at least one extra with a National Day Bank Holiday - as they have in many other countries - on which we could have the space and time to pay proper respect to those who have contributed to the country and any special occasions like the D Day Annivesary or anything else that crops up, be it military or civil. Since there are two Bank Holidays in May, shifting one of those to August (so you get two long weekends during the school holidays) and substituting the aforesaid National Day in the first week of June every year, would seem to make sense. But I would also advocate an extra Bank Holiday in November around the time of Remembrance Sunday and the preceding family/religious remembrance. Just trotting out a minute silence here, or a two minute silence there, is like everything else in this country: a FAKE. Remembrance on the cheap.
  7. But built into the concept is the redundancy of human judgement. The medical example you quoted is a good example of health outcome data being massaged away by top bureaucrats and politicians (who are all in private health care where 1 to 1 consultations will be maintained) eager to implement to cut costs, increase GP/patient flow rate and generally offer a third rate privatised system for first class money. Go back to the promise of automation in the 1960s. Given those Tomorrow's World predictions we should all be enjoying 3 day working weeks, a life of leisure and a generally healthier happier quality of life. Ha ha ha. It was a FAKE and it always is a FAKE.
  8. Is Gavin the new Chris Grayling? Invulnerable to resigning? Like Grayling he is soooo... slooooow.
  9. Go and hokey cokey with Captain Tom.
  10. Like debating with a dessicated sheep dropping at the top of Cadair Idris. In a thick mist.
  11. 40% of A Levels downgraded. Nobody at Eton downgraded. You luv it don't ya?
  12. 40% of A Levels were downgraded. Nobody from Eton was downgraded. As they say, you feed shit into an Algorithm you get shit out of a algorithm.
  13. ChildeHarold


    Little feathers ruffled aren't they CUNT.
  14. I put "good" to even up the responses. I suspect there will be not a few, considering the number of trainee futurists on this site, who will defend the heart of machine learning, whatever its track record, and the Brave New World of A. I. with all its hypothetical benefits. I just can't see any. Now or in the future. Like everything else, I suspect it's a FAKE to cover something else that is happening.
  15. Simple, they are using their fists on the King's anus, or what's left of it.
  16. You believe your own bullshit don't you. You fucking trusting cretin.
  17. Go and hokey cokey with Captain Tom.
  18. Why did I end up in a Thai backstreet hostel dead resulting from a curious sex act?
  19. ChildeHarold


    Adam Had'em ... the world's shortest poem.
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