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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. The real cunt here is the justice system. Could I sponsor the pair for Novichok experimentation, that's after they have been almost wasted in continuous nob-stop covid vaccine trials? The article did refer to a previous knifing conviction for which one of the cunts was presumably treated with that light Oxbridge airy fairy liberal touch!!!!! The appeals are already in.....
  2. OK A study in sartorial elegance at Gardener's World. Percy Thrower: wellies. Geoff Hamilton: supermarket jeans Monty Don: unconstructed soft jacket worn as a comforter and not, as in the case of Larry David, as a visual representation of his awkward personality.
  3. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    I bet you sat at the back and flicked bogies at the good kids.
  4. Sorry typo. Little shit. LOL with kisses.
  5. The only reason she had a career was her husband was a tv executive. She had a weekend teatime show that even when I was a teenager I instinctively undetstood it wasn't even entertaining by the standards of an older or previous generation. They had an oily smug self satisfied cunt who did a sort of Ronnie Corbett monologue called Cyril Something. The One Show is the same sort of shit programne inheriting that vacuous model. The right wing fascist intensely dislikeable Edward Enfield, unfunny Harry's dad, got his tv toes wetted on it with silly littke interview type segments. That fucking Tory lizard helped to implement the privatisation of our state education system under John Major in his last years as a local authority pen pusher. That's the "depth" of talent and types Rantzen surrounded herself with in her heyday. CUNT CUNT CUNT.
  6. Peel away the fucking lying fraudulent Red Cross Ads and celebrity cunts appeals for aid and you have a dirty fucking corrupt piss pot run behind the scenes by the French for their luxury goods billionaire tax evaders with loyal native post colonial footsoldiers. For a city that has had the shit knocked out of it more times than Joe Frazier against Muhammed Ali, informal video footage of the streets show a remarkably affluent carefree youthful society. A fucking den of thieves glued together by corrupt International finance which THIS country helps to control and sponsors.
  7. You mean the BoP not the BoT dear. This country hasn't traded in positive territory since the Japs came in and had the first helping of our manufacturing industry. And our banking and off shoring is a fucking filthy den of iniquity built on the back of the Empire. Not that we are unique - I didn’t realised that Lebanon is a tax haven for foreigners with more secrecy than Switzerland. No wonder you see all these moody arab banks in the City which is a moody enough shithole of equity spread betting on its own. I say fuck Beirut. Let the fucking tax dodgers who have their money there fucking give aid.
  8. He took that sacking from BBC Radio well. I would have fucking bollocked them.
  9. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    The G String wouldn't catch it anyway. It is quite sad being a washed up Ron Jeremy groupie.
  10. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    Are you the one who empties it? Fucking elder abuse.
  11. No all my selfies are in a zip file on eHarmony.
  12. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    The ageing effect of hot young babes on the skin?
  13. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    "Drained" like his industrialised bollocks.
  14. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    This is a REVENGE NOMINATION. That's Joker's G String. Lap dancing for Ron and NO TIP. A rent boy scorned...
  15. I remember the welcome my great grandfather got on the docks at Liverpool. I have a tin photo of his head wounds.
  16. I don't fink there was anyfink zen buddhist about Sir Thomas Cooper. Wat do u fink?
  17. He can't distinguish verbal intercourse from sexual intercourse let alone social intercourse. In fact he sometimes combines all three behind the kebab shop he gets his 3 intercourse dinner from. Bless him the little darling.
  18. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    It takes a certain type of orange cunted mind to come up with a nom like this. I hope he rots in jail after a life of debauchery and obscenity.
  19. I was going to say, but due to a cunt tediously calling himself Joker, who hangs around in them acting suspiciously, I stick to the broad daylight.
  20. The punch line. His films are good too. The one with Charlton Heston sending himself up especially.
  21. Clearly you never negotiated a thing in your life.
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