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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. That's what she said in the Metro about a year ago. Still on Corrie. Son did well on The Inbetweeners and another series...playwright husband had no problem having his work put on. Totally agree.
  2. There are two decent things to come out of the Land Down Under IMHO. 1) Clive James who epitomised insouciance and Aussie wry wit, both of which have probably become extinct and 2) Ray Mears' deep understanding of the native peoples of Australia, their culture and the outback. Apart from that they are a nation of tight arsed (ask a London cabbie) little islander paranoid neurotics with a deep fear and resentment of Asians., a contempt for people of colour whether they be indigenous or immigrants (like them) and a welcoming open arms policy to nasty fucking white racist refugees from South Africa fleeing the remnants of their white supremacist regime based on strong Protestant values.
  3. Is there a show or series associated with him? Elton has done the musical We Will Rock You which had a long run at the Palace Victoria and of course Blackadder. What fuck has Baddiel done? Produced a monologue version of Maureen Lipman complaining about how bad its getting in UK for Jews and threatening to leave the country. Next thing you know she turns up in Coronation Street!
  4. Can someone remind me of what this cunt's achievements were before he became the non stop whinge exaggerating and bleating about a fairly non-existant social problem. I used to get him mixed up with Ben Elton. The last time I heard about Baddiel was a one night stand at London's Southbank Centre in its smallest venue. I can't imagine what the reception would be or, for that matter, what would be the composition of his audience. I suppose black jodhpurs, a peaked cap and a tight fitting officers tunic topped by an ankle length black leather trench coat wouldn't go down well. Lighten up Dave!
  5. Only a cunter like you, the Super Hod of CC, can do justice to that hairy pillock.
  6. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    The crucial factor here is the Loneliness of the Long Distance Porn Star. He was looking for the love of a good woman.
  7. Well fuck my old Jewish boots. This story must bring tears to David Baddiel's swollen eyelids after his most recent rant about the BLM movement stealing all the limelight away from anti-semitism he lives and breathes 24 hours a day with no time off on the sabbath. And besides that he has a hirsute mug that makes my toilet brush look like an impressionist watercolour. David, if you are watching, are you really black? https://news.sky.com/story/jessica-krug-george-washington-university-professor-admits-she-has-been-pretending-to-be-black-12063202 Quote
  8. The fact is she doesn't look even slightly black. In fact, you would have to stretch it to say Jewish. Going back to David Baddiel the one man Nazi Hunter/they stole my family 's fabulous art collection give me the money/BLM is racial but anti-semitism is not racial but something else whatever that is cos I am too fucking pig ugly and stupid to know....Baddiel is long overdue a good cunting.
  9. You got there before me!! I'll delete mine and just add it as a post later. LOL Is it cos I'm black or Jewish? Sammy Davis combined two with some nifty tap dancing in the middle.
  10. I see you have read widely on the subject. But I do like your AJP Taylor delivery a sort of stabbing prose. You should apply to be Johnson's next script writer. What's your after dinner speaking like? Is it guaranteed not to cause terminal indigestion or chronic IBS?
  11. Well fuck my old Jewish boots. This story must bring tears to David Baddiel's swollen eyelids after his most recent rant about the BLM movement stealing all the limelight away from anti-semitism he lives and breathes 24 hours a day with no time off on the sabbath. And besides that he has a hirsute mug that makes my toilet brush look like an impressionist watercolour. David, if you are watching, are you really black? https://news.sky.com/story/jessica-krug-george-washington-university-professor-admits-she-has-been-pretending-to-be-black-12063202
  12. I think you should apply to be the next James Bond!
  13. The "average Ivan" won the Second World War mate. So fucking open your mouth when you know what you are talking about.
  14. He clearly has an anus membership of the Serpentine Art Gallery and a toilet roll dipped in formaldehyde personally autographed by Gilbert and George.
  15. There's this myth that somehow the world sees the UK as a viable world power. Ha ha ha....
  16. They still have enough nuclear bombs to wipe out Britain. All those ex WW2 RAF bases now being used by the USAF and CIA would be evaporated in a couple of hours and half the population of England with them. So let's cut some slack...
  17. I actually think this is too obvious. The Yanks are desperate to stop Nord Stream 2. It would be comparatively easy to assassinate a soft target like Navalny in such a way that makes the Russian govt look like the culprit. Wouldn't be the first time they threw one of their pro Western agents under a bus to create confusion and chaos. American foreign policy is looking quite rough at the moment.
  18. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    I suppose Ron saw an entry on the Sex Offenders Register as just another mountain to hump.
  19. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    I've said before what that boy needs is a big fat cock up his arse.
  20. That's what HE thinks. Any respect for the Don vanished when he went on a BBC jamboree in Switzerland and Italy. It is all soft high end garden centre bullshit without any fucking substance coated with buckets of fantasy.
  21. Mate the fact they have to drug themselves up now indicates they have a very low threshold.
  22. These cunts will have cost society 10,000 times more than they're worth. I've often thought what I would do in the situation of the betesved and the option of taking out a hit is a very atttactive one. Though if you got caught you'd probably get more years in jail than these two cunts put together.
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