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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. The question begs, in this particular case of medically exempted from wearing a mask, whar was he doing on an EASYjet flight? Bit of a contradiction.
  2. It seems a large number of cunts are exempting themselves from the regulations by playing up a minor medical condition or inventing a snowflake psychological aversion to the mask. Then flaunting their exemption (presumably after priority boarding in a gratis wheelchair assisted by two air stewards) on an Easyjet flight then complaining bitterly about their fellow travellers reaction. The fucking spastics should slap a washable visor on their muts and stop whining about other people's comments. If necessary superglue it to their fucking selfish foreheads with I Am A Wanker etched into the plastic. My God don't these handicapped arseholes ever stop? Even in a pandemic? They are so used to fucking having it all their own way most of them have lost the vital ingredient of co-operation with the rest of the world. So if you see a cunt not wearing a mask as advised, give it to them large and don't back down. "There's no excuse to talk to us like that." Fuck off. Head down the toilet next time. PS Being a contestant in Love Island or Ex on the Beach is another reason for cunting them.
  3. Well fuck me, that's my wife swapping party next Tuesday out the window.
  4. Thanks for completing that saying correctly. I feel like a congregation member in the Little Britain sketch. "And now the exchange vicar Reverend Jesse from Harlem"
  5. One baby talking about another. Heard about rusks?
  6. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    Don't cut your fingers. Take care! LOL PS cut your finger off you slimey cunt LOL
  7. I think you are getting carried away with your anti Blairism. The Iraq War is something he can never be forgiven for, but his donestic policies were light years more progressive than the Tories so to call him a closet Tory is an accusation you could make against most of the country after 15 years of Thatcherism jnder the evil cow and her pupil cunt Major, and you are making it on personal grounds rather than the record or the overall aims. Look carefully at your real enemies which are the current uniquely corrupt cunts in power offering covid contracts to their brexiteer chums without publishing the contracts and without legislated tendering process. Sharpen your knife, which is a good one, against the real enemy.
  8. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    Is there anything in common between you and a sloppy plum tomato?
  9. I'm sure you'll agree your experience may not be based on a representative sample. I've always found them very helpful and friendly - but by fuck I can't understand a fucking word of what they are gibbering on about. They don't get a fair crack of the whip in our media (excluding Boys from the Black Stuff) above all it is a very fine city with a great history.
  10. Here we go again.... did you enjoy Bobby and Tina?
  11. The fact is that from the increasingly rear end of 2020, marking a decade of Tory misrule, mismanagement, and sheer jingoistic bombast aimed at the ignorant and shallow margins of society, substituting for real inclusiveness, a shit ball of populist soundbites (the latest is "oven ready" trade deal) the UK is now the most divided and unequal country in the West, with every gain made during the Blair/Brown era in headlong reverse. You name it, social mobility, child poverty, homelessness, addiction, it is all going to shit. And some cunts on this site think tje toad we have at the moment is fine by them while they still go on about their personal dislike of Blair which amounts to a deep resentment against success and the Left.
  12. They do like to exhibit their frustrations in their chariots.
  13. Didn't that really happen when they were rehearsing Goldfinger?
  14. Tata, enough said. If I had to be hospitalised for Covid in either Stuttgart or Coventry I know which one I'd choose.
  15. Two foot spike on the steering wheel and faulty seat belts.
  16. O I don't know. I think early Christianity was inevitably political because it challenged the religious foundations of Rome also inevitably when they became a persecuted minority.
  17. I agree the old fashioned boot up the arse and smack in the face behind the police van is far more acceptable than an array of CCTV watching you pick your arse.
  18. No they're for fatsos who can't get in or out of a normal car without having a heart attack. Cunts. I'd fit the DISCOs with covid air con.
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