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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Can I ask a quick question why some of the guys here have bigger attachment allowances than me? And that's got absolutely nothing to do with cock size.
  2. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    I am setting up a tribute site in the best traditions of CC honouring his life and work simply called Remembering Ron. You can leave your own words of compassion, light a candle or place a red rose on the page simply by making a donation to my 2021 holiday fund.
  3. In my area the pubs would have considered it a good night if they could get 6 punters through the door.
  4. That's a big ha ha from him and a small he he from me. Good night. Da da da da da da daaaaah! Da da da da da da daaaaaaaah! Fade to commercials...
  5. That's what I like KB you pull one out of the bag every now and then (and I don't mean that colostomy bag you once tried to hang on your neck) Love it.
  6. That's the eau du parfum. It had to happen... the over-use of the word "perfect" on TV, principally advertising, but rife in what passes for intelligent banter amongst generation covid spreader. Like a squeaking rusty iron gate or a creaky step on the staircase, "perfect" has become a fucking abused term that is deployed out of sheer laziness bearing no relation to the thing being described. So it was inevitable that some marketing cunt picked up on the trend and annointed a new bottle of over priced taking-the-piss piss water with the label "Perfect". The array of drag queen costumed twenty somethings proclaiming "I'm perfect" merely hints at the subtle tones concocted in the nostrils of Marc Jacobs - just for you. Perfect. Dosh some on and get out there spreading the virus. Perfect.
  7. But the British govt wants to keep the border open. No gun turrets in Ulster.
  8. I heard he volunteered for Johnson's moon shot.
  9. Our motorhomes are better than HYMER. So there. Where's the next campsite Billy - the Dover truck stop?
  10. Clearly written by a Brexit Prometheus Unbound flexing his huge mental biceps against the shackles of the EU. Oh Gods! Deliver the nation from evil! Ha ha ha. Wow, why does every Brexiteer wear Blake's mind forged manacles? Tossers.
  11. Sounds like delirium tremens. Swine flu isn't a side effect of consuming 10 Special Brews a day and a bottle of white spirit.
  12. Don't bring your family into it nobody's interested in the slag heap you crawled out of like some black haired cunting demon from The Ring. LOL
  13. But we have only just seen the beginning, the best is yet to come! Whole sectors are beginning to collapse under the weight of government inaction: air travel, hospitality, culture, sports... Let's see where we are this time next year.
  14. I'd like Lord Punks opinion about the embroidered heraldic mask featuring two randy bulls rampant on either side of the nose.
  15. Here we go here we go let's have a barney.
  16. The actual debt is now likely to kely to be so great that our capitalist system has perversely converted to socialism. A planned economy won't look so bad after this.
  17. Orwell died of a chronic respiratory disease so he would had a pack of six masks on plus a diving helmet at any one time. If Lionel and Eric Blair entered the Stewie Time Machine and ended up sitting next to each other on an EASYjet to Malaga, I bet my botyom dollar they'd be wearing masks and discussing tap dancing routines.
  18. A death certificate isn't always precise in the best of times. Don't you fucking watch CSI you medical moron?
  19. Eric... I'm very disapponted in you. I suppose you won't be partaking in ye olde vaccination programme?
  20. So you have a whole world economy kicking itself up the arse for nothing?
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