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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. You are a fucking anal wart up Hamilton's arse, cunt.
  2. The sexiest women are mixed race in the Caribbean, twenties, negro/Indian or negro/Chinese. Absolutely gorgeous for ten or fifteen years as you say. Just get another model every ten years, a bit more than a car.
  3. Yep and FGM couldn't fucking wake up in the morning without having it rammed down your tjroat - yet MGM is legally sanctioned. When did a fucking little baby boy consent to having part of its cock - a part men grow to love and appreciate over the years - cut off? And the so called medical profession (who get handsomely paid for MGM) justify it on the grounds of hygiene or some other fucking nonsense.
  4. As I said Colin Murray who presents EFL on QUEST is fucking great. Trouble with the BBC is endless sycophancy (look at Peter and Dan Snow) sinecures, getting your feet under the table, the old school tie. Orwell called it a Girls Boarding School. Time to shuv the lot. Let the public school boys and girls and their favourites look for employment elsewhere - they get plenty of it due to mum and dad. Fuckers.
  5. As soon as he got into the big money he tax domiciled in Switzerland. So fuck the cunt. He's a rat who shits on his country of birth and his fellow countrymen. Whatever his other unpleasant characteristics.
  6. W&D you'd still end up paying a token shit TV tithe - they'll say & 15 wat a bargain! - to the govt so it can carry on with its propaganda activities.
  7. You are easily satisfied. The news arm is the fucking worse part of its output. The regional news is shit and looks cheap. The presenters fucking depressing. National news never deviates from its World Service routes. Has the reporting on Iran or Nazanin Zahari Radcliffe ever been more than a Yankee script written for the Persian Propaganda Service? Has reporting on Russia, either cutrent, historical, documentary or travel ever been more than denigrating and negative? It is a fucking steaming pile of Oxbridge public school boy and girl shite.
  8. Can't wait for Lenny Henry's Black Classical Music - throw him any old bone, as long as it is a black one. BBC's good to him over the years? For BBC read TV Licence payer on poverty line.
  9. £1.75m isn't a bad wedge to start off with and it would be interesting how many over 70 Licences that would pay for, or how many honest Johns you could prosecute for not paying the medieval salt tax of the Licence. It is not as if the BBC doesn't already indulge in advertising - fucking advertising itself all the time: they haven't stopped talking about the BBC Proms since July. Another point is calibre. Linekar is a greedy little shit who has greased his palm with Walkers Crisps concurrently with his BBBC Sports job. Conflict of interest? Fat and salt versus golden balls well in at the Beeb? That guy who presents EFL on Quest is fucking miles ahead of Lineker and you have to ask the question, what has he got over the BBC bosses? Fucking abolish the lot of it. Most of the archive of programmes has been licensed off, its ceased showing the top flight of sport... or anything... save one or two of its chummy public school boy favourites like Wimbledon where cunts like Andy Murray who is unanimously hated across England is routinely discussed as if he were a national treasure... has ceased creating genuinely funny comedy sketch shows. It seems to me it only exists as a free propaganda service for NATO in the World Service paid for out of the Licence Fee and a state propaganda service for Britain if ever the need arose. While the govt. hangs on to it for those reasons, maggots like Lineker and others will work the system behaving exactly as if it were a private business but paid for completely disproportionately by the least well off in society. Time to consign Lineker and the BBC to the rubbish bin. I wonder whether he could get £1.75m anywhere else?
  10. Was it the camera angle, but the shooter looked like a dwarf.
  11. Will you sponsor a little girl? The fucking cheek of the charity ad that breaks every rule in the gender discrimination regulations. I see a lot of eating cake and having cake.
  12. I just stuff a few sheets of Plenty up my fanny and keep my legs crossed. I even sit side saddle on the bus. If the Queen is on beefburgers for din-dins then I too can tighten my belt (I wish I could do the same with my bladder) By the way, cunt, enjoying the heatwave? I bet you're out on the prowl every night like a tomcat looking for pussy.
  13. Not the first time white slavery has flourished in our East England paradise of what Jonathon Meades calls American low brow cultural pursuits such as an addiction to 1950s Rock n Roll, Stock Car Racing, and of course Line Dancing. Fuck me, these cunts want another Yankee Airfield or Spy Base too, to generate a bit of fucking wedge in the local economy. With MPs like Peter Bone and fucking Andrea Leadsom they deserve a giant second wave of Covid. Yep, Wellingborough was a particularly strong base for Moseley's blackshirts and they showed the same fascist tendency in the Brexit Referendum.
  14. Everything about that so called "sport" which is an inter-continental travelling cavalcade of drug taking, dodgy deals, Saudi shit sheiks on the knob, bimbos and fucking truly desperate human detritis taking it every hole. Anybody who follows that needs their brain examined. At least, one nice development, Silverstone is on its last legs due to Covid, is turning part of the circuit into a buy to let housing estate. God knows what a weeks rental in there is like during the British Grand Prix.
  15. You are confusing the social relations that determine the texture and character of a system with your Asterix the Gaul conception of politics.
  16. It's from my E Harmony zip folder. And Joker as you dropped in can I compliment you on one of the best noms ever. Ron the nom just keeps giving. A real soldier.
  17. That's what he says every time he gets his massive pay cheques.
  18. Dropped on his head as a baby. Or caught leaning in a chest freezer knicking Magnums.
  19. Da da da, see the discreet covering, yes it's that big.
  20. The little tax dodger is a born taker. Let's hope when he tries to best his fastest lap time record he crashes and breaks his rat neck.
  21. Yes, you'd think Huawei would be a piss in a pot compared to the nation's power supply. But ever since Thatcher we have seen a cowardly retreat from accepting rrsponsibility for important parts of the country. I think it is shameful and contrasts sharply with the national pride you see across the Channel, France, Germany, Spain and elsewhere. That's why I'm so fucking down on the colonial Landrover Disco often driving through areas that are a disgrace in terms of investment, upkeep, and quality of life. Like many of our town centres. Shit holes.
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