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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Yoy certainly have to look beyond the English media to get anywhere near that! I hace started using apps like Stuttgart Zeitung, Berlin Morgenpost, etc plus France 24, RT and Aljazeera carried some pretty interesting stuff. Until France Monde decided not to bother with Sky anymore, Telematin in the mornings was a teally broad breakfast show that put anything done in this country. Mindboggling quality we have lost in this country. The occasional Cabaret du Monde was great too
  2. I know. Resonance FM does a show called Speakers Corner. It's a blast. I was surprised to see Morning Star on sale at Sainsbury's which puts them way up the freedom of speech list in my books. You can see the next big prop for Western Capitalism is the anti China vibe that they will continue to stoke into a major confrontation within a decade. It is always "our" way of life against external threats. Johnson's govt with the support of critters like yourself are aiming to classify anti-capitalist groups as "terrorist" organisations. As for the internet - it is just another mind forged manacle spun off by the military.
  3. That's one way of doing an audit, going through a list of new things. But whatever the individual innovations and their merits or disadvantages. But what I'm getting to is the falacious notion of progress and improvement written into what was basically just a postwar readjustment to maintain the capitalist system. Going back to the 1930s the West should have collapsed and has only been kept going by the spending on WW2 The Cold War and now the various wars on "terrorism". All the gadgets and innovatiins have been spin offs of military spending.
  4. You should see me after Christmas in my new slippers.
  5. None of the technological promises of my younger days have become reality. Instead technology has just provided more enslavement, more stress, less security, undermining of morality, society and standards, whittling away quality in products, culture and everyday life. I think the way this has undermined life in America and Britain is breathtaking.
  6. A certain form of "democracy" which is really a sham.
  7. The Family Guy homage episode was great if you are ambidextrous.
  8. That's fucking John Thaw in The Sweeney you plum. I like a nice tart.
  9. I'm glad you're sticking around. Your thoughts on anything that crops up are always anticipated with bated breath - only cos I'm hooked up in parallel to ten ventilators. The fucking electric bill is killing me!
  10. We're all still waiting for the Major Cunt version of I Did It My Way lyrics to the tune of Ravel's Bolero. When are you going to fuck off instead of keep talking about it? Worse than updates on Donald Trump's pulse rate.
  11. Any cunt buying a beefburger around 10 pm is signing up for an early heart attack and should be shot dead to save us all a lot of medical expenses later. The sooner Magaluf fucking shithole Britain is closed down the better.
  12. The SAS carry a lot of urban mythology. They are fucking incompetent wankers.
  13. There are no shitty bedsits in Thamesmead. All the social housing in Thamesmead was designed to spacious and luxurious standards compared with the shitty little private flats being developed in the rest of the Londistan housing jamboree. Get your head straight.
  14. You sound bitter, like a man who's spent the whole afternoon in the Henry Moore sculpture park.
  15. Camberwell Gypsy can confirm I do not live at the Dennark Hill Training College
  16. Southwark Council, apart from being a cess pit of property developer's backhanders, is West Nigeria Central and white feminists substituting minority issues for real social change and redistribution. They should be destroyed and will be come the revolution.
  17. The Man always ended his last concerts with I Did It My Way Can we look forward to a semi autobiographical tootle from your plump velvety lips? Possible with Stubby Penis doing backing vocals and Joker on the drums. Come on Major get that Big Band Swing on....
  18. When your soul flies up to Heaven, a relative or neighbour comes across your Bond in the drawer and cashes it in.
  19. SAS is an acronym for Soft As Shit. Ulster proved that, the fucking pansies.
  20. The only thing I have against you Billy is your whole outlook on life.
  21. The uneducated live off the educated, not vice versa as popular prejudice would have it. So when the educated of the world look at the state of the UK and its direction of travel, they not only turn away from here but this eventually turbs the tide of lower or non skilled away from the UK. If Covid squeezes out our fabulously left wing and othet local authorities from giving ridiculous priority to housing immgrants and refugees and other services, the virus will have done us a fucking favour, by renovng the only obvious reason why anybody would be desperate enough to dump themselves on Britain's shores.
  22. Is this the Frank Sinatra Come Back Tour aka The Main Event or Dorothy Squires at the London Pally? Do us all a favour and be the grown up in the room.
  23. Throw yourself on the auto de fe. My God Ken Russell's The Devils needs a timely broadcast.
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