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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. How to ruin a country and rearrange the furniture during a house fire. You couldn't make it up.
  2. Well I ask you, fucking scaffolders. Where does he get it from?
  3. Say your name is Eddie, stand well back and admire the display.
  4. In the course of their erecting did they throw the traditional admiring wolf whistle at you Wolfie? After all you really shouldn't dress like that in public with those high heels and little red number.
  5. Where else but Channel Four investigated it, home of It Ain't Half Queer As Folk Up 'Ere.
  6. I heard that quite a few are supplementing their incomes with their arses.
  7. That's why a majority now support independence. She must be doing sommit right.
  8. If you was a cake and I was King Alfred I would burn you.
  9. Boy you're on fire tonight. Burn bright you half candle. Before Roops snuffs you out.
  10. Sturgeon has done the daily uodate every day and she didn't take a holiday unlike the lazy fat cunt and his box of faceless non entities masquerading as a government in hiding. Who is Gavin Williamson when we don't ses him? Reminds me of eating winkles with a needle.
  11. I see you getting jealous of Stubby's magical powers of rule breaking without consequences. Look and Learn.
  12. I was referring to the increasingly narrow, if vanishing, "normal" definition of adult sexual behaviour.
  13. "ton of black cock" aimed at somebody's wife is a clear breach of regulations - a dunce shaped face mask won't hack it. Get thee hence!
  14. There's clearly a class basis for sexual behaviour. If you're a Lord, an MP or High Court Judge womanising is a badge of honour. Working class guy in the public eye - oh no sir dearie NO!
  15. There is much in there that is disputable it would take a three month lockdown to deal with... just be patient!
  16. Labelling blacks as thick as shit more or less fits the definition. Now fuck off to Electric Avenue.
  17. Can I nominate and forward your details (length (first) then girth) to Countdown? Rachel Annabelle Riley would appreciate your interest in anal. Was it a childhood hobby that just grew and grew?
  18. More ranting and raving from the resident racist. AAaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgh... with a bit more RRrrrrrrrr.
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