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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I have had enough of these go it alone/go my own way chimps who whimper how much they need to go to the gym, get their beauty treatments and nails done, student party, get in a few days in Spain, feel entitled to a pre-covid social life whatever...
  2. This country also sits on vast deposits of evidence of child abuse against high profile public figures that even in a post Savile world, is still buried deep by the authorities and dark state. Ref/Cyril Smith and Lord Janner So what's your fucking point?
  3. Clearly you don't so going and fuck yourself. On the way consider why there wasn't a copper anywhere near the Manchester Arena according ti the witness at the enquiry. When he reported the bomber acting suspiciously to a private security guard he was effectively fobbed off with... WHO CARES? fucking attitude you mong. You fucking shit bag. It's self satisfied cunts like you who let worms like that through the net. What goes around comes around.
  4. The pre covid situation with muslims in Europe was I believe a number of countries considering banning the burka. A general tightening of police surveillance and monitoring of Mosques and the Islamic community. Actual police investigations into unlicensed Islamic schools. At least one country, Switzerland (Austria?) considering the banning of any further mosque building. Allowing for the fact that France has suffered terribly from extreme Islamist terrorist attacks, most of which could not possibly have been anticipated or prevented due to their randomness, whereas in virtually EVERY instance of such an attack in the UK, there was significant security weaknesses, or downright lack of any security at all (Manchester Arena Bombing: not a single police officer in the area at the time) possible links back to one arm of the police not knowing what the other arm was doing (Rigby) I think it ill behoves any person to have a snide go at the French over this tragedy. Those in glass houses....
  5. JohnnySaucePants 1 Dyslexic Cunt 1 Great game.
  6. I can sleep well tonight. See you in a thousand years time. I'm already missing you.
  7. Was that the Twenty with a cock in John Turner's mouth?
  8. Plenty left over after my little shit storm with the Milk of Magnesia. It gave me a good clean out. You was in Devon at the time. Did you smell anything?
  9. I look at that whimpster Philip Schofield the greedy x million fucker and see a plum job falling right into his lap. There is a harrigan lobbying group of basically anti-male Yankee inspired feminists pervading this country's institutions, most visibly in the BBC. Indeed, BBC Radio has run out of British feminist contributors and now regularly resorts to American women to either present programmes or come on ad invited guests. I haven't seen a foreign correspondent on BBC News who isn't a woman. The end result of this lobbying was that they were beginning to unduely influence the outcome of rape prosecutions in terms of the police's normal work in collecting evidence and the CPS's conduct in allowing fair and equal access to that evidence by defence lawyers. In effect, the criminal justice system was being unfairly stacked in favour of the plaintiff against the accused. When this was revealed the feminist lobby had a melt down in much the same way they went hysterical when they tried to play the equality game with the State Pensions and it was turned against them. It was the BBC in the 1950s who was the propaganda machine for the government preaching about women in the world of work and denigrating traditional family gender roles. Since the 1950s has been at the forefront of undermining masculinity and male role models in modern Britain. We now have the situation where in state schools (not good old private schools where traditional values have never been attacked) at Primary level less than a fifth of teachers are men while at Secondary level the proportion of male teachers is one quarter and falling. A feminised educational system, culture and society is one reason why the UK is rapidly de-skilling and has low productivity.
  10. We all know that won't happen. Just as the constitution gives the Tories an unfair advantage in the UK, in the USA the incumbent President has a built in advantage when it comes to running for a second term. You've got to be a complete arse not to get it.
  11. Ape (Trade Mark) says it all. Is this some sort of homage to Hanna Barbera?
  12. Probably the base has just moved away, died off or lost heart. It would be foolish of any Tory govt to under estimate the North especially, Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool.
  13. Which shows how little depth the rest of what's served up has. I am appalled at the Sky Brave New World adaptation which is trying hard to tick all the E4 tittilation boxes while capturing the West World audience. I had my own dvd copy of the Nimoy film of it broadcasted on Film Four or BBC Four some time ago which now costs fucking hundreds of pounds on EBAY as it is so rare as a commercial disc. Yeah, not on YouTube either. More or less sums up the BNW dystopian vision. Lots of Jam lots of tomorrow.
  14. I was under the impression that a bunch of heavily insecticided bananas left on his doorstep every week was the only care he needed. He can wipe his arse? Can he? Does he bother?
  15. No doubt they'll try to change it before they get kicked out. I can't see these rust belt "tories" staying the course with this shambles into the New Year.
  16. I left that a bit open for mockery. Actually it was just there on the platform. Next thing it was under my shoe. Next safely tucked in my pocket. I was the only person in Whitechapel with a smile on his face. You're always smiling Billy, why is that?
  17. And the £50 million on the Garden Bridge? Plus reports which I thought were just the usual malicious rumours Johnson is getting fed up with the money he's getting as PM and can't wait to get out into the real money. Look at that corrupt cunt Blair. Hune the Defence Secretary during the Iraq War more or less let the cat out the bag in that C4 investigation into Westminster lobbying.
  18. Clearly his coke habit is running him into the ground. Timberlake's gone quiet too. Pair of shits along with that other weasel with the "Happy" song.
  19. You will be aware that dodgy finances ae continuing with the pot of monet covid has provided to Johnson supporters. Five covid contracts without tendering or publish contracts?
  20. My task is to be the three wise monkeys watching Twin Peaks The Return and enjoying it more the second time round. I think it paid off. Johnson as PM is the big NO DEAL.
  21. ChildeHarold

    The BBC

    You really strained to get that one out.
  22. Is that your pedigree as you seem to know so much about it?
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