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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I see Farage has fallen into that British middle class unofficial purdah reserved for the untouchable mouthy types. . No doubt he is sitting in the snug swapping racist jokes over a few medium sherries with ex TV personality, ex Cambridge professor, ex published author, ex pundit, and ex person, David Starkey. Watch out Billy - the lesson of history - start preparing Das Bunker.
  2. A heart inside that hunk of beef - carry on pumping shit head and covid cunt.
  3. So that's why my chaser had a funny taste?
  4. You dirty cunt. Those hospital bed porn movies again.
  5. I'm just hoping your saving yourself from covid for really bad flu. Have a Lemsip on me.
  6. It's cunts like you who fucking spoil everything.
  7. Actually Siegfried and Roy. They died making people gasp. At least Siegfried did. Roy passed away in May of covid.
  8. The gym enthusiasts are covid cunts.
  9. I suggest you fuck off to another website with your unused face mask (just in case a cop sees you, fucking coward) and heavily soiled and used colostomy bag strapped to your waist.
  10. Bunnys' versus Bunnies' I know which one Hugh would have.
  11. Beauty is in the diabetic eye of the beholder. In a gym I see fine specimens of adrenaline junkies, chronic heart failure, kidney and liver problems plus an over weening sense of self importance, concern for body image and psychological over compensation. Fucking waking up at 3.00 am to have a protein shake you fucking wanker. Fuck off.
  12. Your friends are the dealers who push the steroids. I ain't talking about "stera" milk either. Fuck off. LOL (haggle)
  13. So you're one of the chimps who needs reminding there are some useful machines which lift heavy weights. Ha ha ha. Just fucking stay away from me you covid cunt.
  14. Don't you come near me you dirty cunt.
  15. I forgot to mention the liquor and gambling cunts but they're probobly immune to global disasters like cockroaches.
  16. Fuck off and offer yourself as a punch bag in the nearest gym.
  17. Wrong cunt. Bunny is a collective noun.
  18. If this pandemic dismantles the BOGUS "health" industry, the anti-social MAGALUF LOUT "hospitality" industry, the environmental DISASTER that is the "travel" industry, it will be a GOOD THING. They are nothing but FAKE enterprises.
  19. Sounds like the hook has gone right through your lip. Bullshit.
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