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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I couldn't disagree more you slaaaaag! By the way you are a cunt.
  2. Damaged goods, as in, "Sorry mum I dropped the eggs on the way home from the shop, now you'll have to out on the game again tonight just to put egg and chips on the table for us cunts." "Shut the fuck up and go to bed you're not getting anything to eat now you little shit."
  3. Don't you think the cunt that photoshopped this had a thing with long hair?
  4. Didn't take long did it for the old Cash for Questions/Hamilton/Brown Envelopes. The Tories just can't resist it - the 12K bung just a "So fucking what?" insult "What are you gonna do about it cunt?" Jenrick the baby faced willing tool.
  5. OK so you don't like constructive nuclear but probably support Trident. Probably US missile bases in UK if the Tories agreed to it.
  6. I just feel this coronavirus has ruined the lives of our younger generation, all those dreams, big plans now completely ruined. Doesn’t it just bring a tiny lickle tear to your old red eye socket Billy?
  7. ChildeHarold

    Dominic Raab

    I'd be curious to know what is your definition of "liberal principles" when applied to a gang of political opportunists with a one issue manifesto that's now been destroyed by a virus.
  8. Jesse Ventura got there first you late comer and with more style and probably better teeth.
  9. Silly Billy. Fuck off yourself back to the Emerald Isle.
  10. You would know all about that with your study of political thought.
  11. Overdosed on Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. Possibly not, you need a certain understanding of food coupled with literacy to follow it. Leading the charge of the fat brigade into Macdonalds.
  12. I'll double your half peeled Jaffa allowance if you promise to clean your spunk covered greasey specs or get a new pair since Specsavers is now open.
  13. I think he will, and if he doesn't, well I was Oliver the Ape's personal trainer. All it took was a half peeled Jaffa and a years supply of baboon muff and he started to fucking walk down the street to collect my Sun every morning.
  14. Another late late late to the party cunt. Where's your fucking wristband? Probably holding your balls together. Display it next time.
  15. Upsetting your little LATE to the party (as usual like an outback dingo) game am I Stubby?
  16. Made a valid comment on a vacuous thread. Tilt your head back at that. It had NO replies until ChildeHarold came along sparked massive interest.
  17. Used in Spain for last four months also trialled and tested in Spanish hospitals so you are going in right direction but at 70 mph in first gear with your hazard lights flashing. So fake news. OK wazzock?
  18. Why are you so fucking boring? Start growing up and look over your existential overgrown hedge at the outside world. Next time the recycling van comes jump in and do us all a favour with your trivial bullshit.
  19. Fucking buy a TV Licence for the first time in your life you cheap shit.
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