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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I thought Farage was dead. Didn't he die leaving Global Radio in Leicester Square for the last time clutching his final two weeks fees and a copy of his KEEPYOURMOUTHSHUTORELSEWE'LL COMEAFTERYOU end of contract agreement?
  2. Eh? Only when I see a Red Kite circling over your smashed body by the kerb.
  3. Verbose, the Cornish emmet for BBC. The travelling chef who comprises package holiday values - consumption, inactive, sitting on a fat arse, never roaming more than twenty metres from the rented car, cossetted by entourage, school boy banter in the rustic kitchen. Aspirational blue collar pseudo documentary. At least Floyd was a fucking man who actually did things, lived a life, fucking breathed food and drink. This fucking apology Stein is a disgrace to good food the good life he tries so hard to evoke and reduces to a tedious pile of dust in his drawn out tv shows. And he takes himself and his Cornish heritage so seriously...
  4. Are you fucking joking? Skyscrapercity is a computer game for fantasy architects. Try AJ for the hard stuff.
  5. Like Dunkirk. A fucking monument to our military.
  6. Their necks are. The Yanks have all that, eh, 200 years, eh, of civilisation, eh, to draw on. Eh.....?
  7. If you think Stanley's happy, wait to you see Punky. That's where buying a house in the land of homo fascination gets you.
  8. USA and UK wouldn't last five days, let alone five years. Look at Korea and Vietnam. Malaya was a fucking shambles.
  9. I think the consensus here is one of distancing with mitigation, no touching, but welcome back me with open arms, wearing a mask which is mandatory but not enforced. I think the application alone costs £5k, but I am out of touch as I am currently applying for Moroccan citizenship on a student visa.
  10. More like Arthur Haynes than Arthur Dick.
  11. Constructing rabbit hutches for the socially controlled colonial hordes.
  12. I lost control of my spelling bladder just reading your reply. Now I will have to piss on somethong else. Thong.
  13. Well said. They say the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. As for the Greeks, they fucking deserve him, two faced cunts. His local favourite Greek restaurant will probably reserve a table just for him and whatever old slut he has on his arm. Hope they spit and phlegm in his food.
  14. You're behind the times. The Chinese are divesting the sort of crap industries the UK used to specialise in. They are the biggest manufacturers of solar panels and other future solutions. I am afraid the second industrial revolution is going to pass the UK by and with a £5bn or even £60bn "boost" to <<build build build>> might look good on Cummings notepad, you might as well piss in a pot. This country is in its twilight with a dwindling number of public pension country "squires" doing the Stanley Johnson in their colonial Discos up and down the rural backwaters and mass unemployment, low productivity, threadbare public services, shit infrastructure including mobile coverage and fibre optic, transport links, internationally substandard education system....
  15. Because they can and as does the USA (Harry Dunn), Russia (Salisbury) and the EU (£:€). Fucking wake up dumbo.
  16. Not on your fucking NELLY you WANKER.
  17. Do you think they give a flying fuck about losing a few of the troublemakers, a few billion, HK was 30% of China's business sector at handover, now it's less than 10%. The REAL reason there is unrest in HK amongst young is they see wealth and future jobs being transferred to the mainland. They'll just let more mainland Chinese into HK to take their place therefore speeding up the social engineering already taking place. . Ha ha ha. It is THEIR country. They have a sensuble level headed government and keader. Look at the fucking clown Johnson and his circus troupe making knee jerk policies up about HK, Covid, the Economy, as he goes aling. Ni fucking comparison.
  18. OK I'll start the cunting cos I know he has his not-so-secret admirers in this place. Why is his fucking head bigger than his body?
  19. They say every family has a black sheep. In a shit coloured family, Stanley is the brownest and shittiest. This is him with his "I've filled my boots" smug face living it up in Greece after evading that country's and the UK'S travel advice. Don't you just want to glass him and rub retsina deep into the wounds?
  20. Do I detect a whiff of the dreaded totally unjustified anti-Semitism despite fucking Jews initiating Jerry Bruckheimer's Holocaust 2 in their own back yard against the Palestinians? You can bet they've got their eyeballs on this site 24hrs. Compared to most of the Fat Jew Cunts in the US business sector, the Maxwells are fucking angels.
  21. I spent most of my life fleeing tyranny and pursuing a Giro (actually I prefer payments straight into my account) so it's a nice combination.
  22. Yeah and your supply of cheap spastic organge Ts will be even cheaper.
  23. Boil it down to 300,000 who MIGHT. Boil that down to 30,000 who WILL. Boil that down to 10,000 who have so much dosh you'll never rub shoulders with them and 20,000 who are so thinly distributed across the fast food sector you won't notice. Boil THAT down to a nice bowl of King Prawn Noodle Soup. By the way, fuck off to China.
  24. I thought it was Exhibit A in a police raid on a veteran of CC. But I don't know who exactly - could be you.
  25. I totally agree, and double that if they happen to ride a "fixie", cycle in old money, with one of those terribly trendy flip flop hubs. Oh yeah...
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