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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Insatiable aren't you like a slag hag in Soho.
  2. At least I got you reading a book (online) this evening. Progress is a Kant.
  3. Juan Plenty says: No mixed message - one mask does plenty. FORGET! You were told they didn't work. Then you were told they might work one way to stop out spread. You were told HOWEVER wear a "face covering" on public transport. Then you were told the "scientific advice is changing". Then you were told we might make face masks compulsory. Then we were told.... NOW WE THINK WHAT A FUCKING MESS, WHY ARE WE SO FUCKING LATE DOING WHAT EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IS DOING, AND WHO IS GOING TO CLEAN UP AGAIN AFTER THIS CUNT OF A PRIME MINISTER? JUAN SHEET of course.
  4. Sticking up for your partner in hate - the old Barber Shop Quartet of have a go at a newbie? As soon as ChildeHarold was born you started to kick him in the head. Nobody likes Childe abusers and losers. Fuck off and die, because I want you fucking negative creeps off this site. (Signed:Agent Provocateur)
  5. And they truly deserve what they get. Fucking horrible race of ex cons and inbreds and happy go lucky £5 Poms who thought Blackpool Illuminations was the height of Western Civilisation.
  6. I think you've had your time on this site laying into without making any positive contributions or decent noms. You are just a fucking ball and chain.
  7. Oh dear. have I upset you and some other piles of steaming horse shite on CC?
  8. Go and fuck yourself you whining bitch. Makes better sense applied to.
  9. Because there is a small group of negative shits on this site who sing from the same song sheet in a carefully orchestrated way that has been rehearsed and used in the past to put off people joining the site. That simple.
  10. Just do a direct comparison you Sports Direct reject.
  11. Fly's arse - and they have enough of them out there. I shouldn't think China has any need of a country of ex cons (they ARE very touchy about that!) and American arsewipes.
  12. A description of thy good self one of the original barber shop negative hate mongers.
  13. Well done Mrs Roops. Your evidence based cunting brought a tear to my eye. Not for any sympathy for King Billy, he can fuck off to the new Asford lorry park to set up his human trafficking business, but for the satisfaction of brains triumphing over sheer fat and gristle.
  14. I see you are on the Newbies' back again. What a tart.
  15. You are dead too, you just don't know it.
  16. Thus shitforth spakeworthy CC Care Home long term resident has spoken. Tap dance around the rest areas of your nearest lorry park.
  17. Everyday is a Monday while you are still alive in the CC Care Home.
  18. Australia is simply ruthles strip mining, even the water table is disappearing, they are white supremacist racists with more in common with the white Afrikaans who emigrated in their millions after the fall of apartheid, than the British who they secretly despise, not counting the well known deadly species in Australia, the humans there are probably the most poisonous shit on the planet. Forgot to mention the biggest tight arses as well.
  19. Couldn't be better you worthless scumbag. Just crawl out of the CC Care Home and die in an ICU with a bag over your head. I'd fucking play with the oxygen valve in front of your dead eyes you cunt.
  20. I spoke to a City big wig when all this started after the referendum who said it will never happen. I still agree. The New Horizons Brave New World Taking Back Control propaganda bullshit is evaporating. Shit on Ashford take back control. £ to € 1.10 at best probably a lot worse by next year. The reason we joined the EU was precisely the same reason we are going down the pan now: a shit country living in the past, fucked productivity and infrastructure, uneducated oafish population, political, government and most other institutions not fit for purpose with most of the top jobs in the public and private sectors reserved for privately educated nincompoops, many of them with an Oxbridge degree which is actually an educational cock ring for making flat average public school boys erect passable but still mediocre professionals. In other words, do you really think any talented HK Chinese would want to land up in this dead end unless it was a staging post on the way to a green card in the USA where they all want to really go.
  21. You therefore haven't learnt to wipe your arse, talk sense or behave like an adult. Hopeless fucking cretin.
  22. You're such a dare devil you pathetic little bastard.
  23. Sucking up again to your betters you filthy pile of dog shit.
  24. It was because I left the "shop" out of Barber Shop Quartet of Shite. There you go with those long pseudo striped suit words. You fucking sham Rumpole.
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