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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I had a broken bicycle wheel in the Balkans and a village smithie/repairer mended it in thirty minutes, no fuss, no shit talk, just did it and cheap... and fucking better than new. So fucking don't talk out of your Little Britain arse you ignorant cunt.
  2. If I didn't hate the whole sports Team GB industry and its false values and all the cunts in it I would agree with you.
  3. Thus saith the non-contributor to fun. Miserablecunt.
  4. It's NOT Chinkyflu, you tart, it's Covid-19.
  5. Roadkill screams: I love the smell of arse in the morning.
  6. Now the match is closing on Chelsea's humiliation Roadkill's unwashed fingers that have been masturbating to red and blue for 90 minutes seek refreshment in opportunistic sallies on the internet.
  7. He never quite recovered his career after that small part as an attacking lettuce in Day of The Triffids.
  8. Arse sniffer has wandered into the conversation like a hot arse seeking missile.
  9. How to win enemies and lose friends you pathetic paranoid psycho.
  10. Don't dignify this wretch with his first name! Shit face maskless wanker.
  11. Spiffo in the paranoid cunt's face!
  12. Was that for your 7.00 am pack of Special Brew?
  13. I am sure that is some sort of spy code for "I have the package you are seeking and will make the transfer at midnight in the usual place." In effect, Pen's favourite bush on the Heath.
  14. They actually gave up and rejoined the Tory Party after they decided to back brexit.
  15. You are smoother than Torvil and Dean in Bolero. And a lot less interesting.
  16. You are the one constantly into "dick".
  17. Has anybody received your last rolo and did they survive the diabetic coma.?
  18. ChildeHarold

    Mrs McCann

    Madeleine - Germans (partly) responsible. Madeleine (Mk 2) Portugal 1/Germany 4.
  19. Will you be coming round the mountain, when it blows, on the way back?
  20. Unlike the midwife who delivered you, mine smacked my arse, not the father! Phew ugly?
  21. Those re-runs of Downtown Abbey can really take over especially when you already call your avatar a "King".
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