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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Never liked him as he wheezed his way through Jake the Peg and his "very long leg". A little bit weirdo, a sort of outback throwback with less artistic talent than a Poundland pack of watercolour paints.
  2. Are you bottom feeding again on other people's scraps and crumbs? Tart.
  3. Assumptive? Are you making it up as you go along?
  4. I had the reasonable expectation that you would only be partially ensconced in a golf hole, gay bum watching, and you would be at least partially up to date with the news.
  5. What does Jerry's cock taste like - as strong as his humour?
  6. You are very confused aren't you?
  7. Just hoping this film will be made in double speed time. In fact the longest running franchise in the UK's justice system is the one where a totally innocent decent person has their life rubbed out or ruined by a mindless yobbo who gets out after serving a minimal sentence. This gets released on a regular basis. Charles Bronson please come back and pop all three of these fucking anti-social cunts before their social workers and their lawyers wrap them up in cotton wool with all their little comforts. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MURDER NOT MANSLAUGHTER YOU CUNTS.
  8. I imagine Sadowitz is right up your street amongst other things. The Dark Triad beckons.
  9. You are mentally still there.
  10. ChildeHarold

    Kanye west

    Not far off the mark. Running for President is certainly less arduous than going into court with Amber Heard.
  11. Yep, read LIBERTY TAKER and AWKWARD PRICK for "confused".
  12. Shall we? Shall we dance in the pale moonlight? Which part of the Dark Triad have you crept out from?
  13. Eric has asked me to give his usual tesponse to cold callers: Fuck Off! Now open mouthed marvel at that sycophant.
  14. Nothing you would notice lad, a dolt who doesn't know the correct method of sweeping a room. Yes there IS a method ignoramus.
  15. Which part of the Dark Triad do you belong to?
  16. I hear it's partly nylon and self lubricating, but that's what you're mates have told me.
  17. On fire today aren't we? Cool off and don't come back you miserable twat.
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