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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I like a nice twat in a bun with some cheese and relish. By the way I have been tight honing my creative juices.
  2. I wonder whether a coming out pressie in twenty years time of a Quad Bike will be appreciated by Mr H Long? Can I have it enscribed: "I hope you break your fucking neck on it."
  3. Unfortunately our prisons are crowded with these amateurs because our cosy criminal justice system based on Oxbridge well doers and lack of investment in deterrent and the well known institutional apathy has created the space in which they can breed.
  4. If you can't defend the defenders what hope is there? I wonder whether that Police Memorial (Michael Winner!) off The Mall is still there?
  5. There is the potential for bubonic plague anywhere in the world. I suffered a dose in the 1970s. That was a variation called Pubonic Plague, main symptom a sore cock.
  6. The unreported: UK suffers biggest Covid economic hit in Europe. Stick that on your mantlepiece.
  7. BEIRUT EXPLOSION - "people to blame deeply corrupt" GRENFELL FIRE - "nobody to blame - business as usual" Which is the really SHIT country?
  8. I like Will Young. There, I said it. I'm not ashamed.
  9. The disgraced fugitive ex King of Spain will probably land up living off of the British taxpayer with the other cunts, like the Constantines, with our Royal Family of Cunts.
  10. When a Nom stoops as low as this it deserves everything it gets thrown at it. But clearly it's just another opportunity for you to keep up your vendetta against myself. Stop wasting time and get back to the Nom or the Nominator. YOU ARE THE DERAILER.
  11. I totally agree. Sadly I don't like golf. But tonight I'll borrow my neighbours'. Luckily all it takes is a shake! Dreamies! He he.
  12. You probably exercise your racism in a way beneficial to the ant heap we call Western Civilisation. O Wise One.
  13. There's a £10 limit. But your local Chicken Best should accommodate you on a fold up camping table next to the freezer.
  14. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    Celebrations! What's your favourite - the one with two brown nuts?
  15. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    Try another corner of the playground... where the big boys have a crafty smoke.
  16. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    The reference to "Capri" immediately dates you to Minder and all that 3.5 "affordable" boy racer bollocks.
  17. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    Nice clean humour - the gloves a pleasing touch if velvet.
  18. ChildeHarold

    Mike Brewer

    Eric, stay behind after school and copy, "I will in future put my head down and try as hard as possible." 100x
  19. Eric the binoculars Peeping Tom. And stop having wet dreams about me you fucking pervert.
  20. Burst a blood vessel and give us all a laugh.
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