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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Still trying to form a posse Randolph?
  2. Do they repair the rust holes in the bottom or just paint over?
  3. Most jobs are to a large extent pick it up as you go along. I like the Napoleonic idea of promotion from the lowest ranks which of course went entirely against the traditional way of doing things. That idea has carried on across both the public and private sectors in France and Germany. However in Britain the old school tie rules. Within that the most exclusive ties still manage to cobble most of the top jobs. Explains a lot about Britain's failed society, unproductive economy and covid catastrophe.
  4. Nose picking at rush hour on the Northern Line. Then flicking it in somebody's hair. (Pre Covid)
  5. Necrophilia by the look of it
  6. Spot on. Reward yourself with an extra brownie from Matron and, just for this week, you can sit in front of the lunch hamper rather than behind it, during the cricket match.
  7. Clearly my post had enough trigger words like French and Scot to give you a viral overload. I must humbly apologise for any inconvenience caused but must stop short of seppuku which is probably what you were hoping. One Mishima is enough in my opinion.
  8. I find the annnualus tv and radio merry-go-round coverage of Exam Results disgusting and ever so slightly paedophile. SKY News lost no opportunity in showing particularly buff barely 18 year old girls (who clearly had spent five hours doing themselves up) picking up their results. It fits into the "older school girls I would like to fuck" bracket. In fact SKY had a prolonged Skype with a particularly well developed black girl who apart from having a gob on her had a magnificent rack under a tight tank top at eye level with the camera. Have I just turned into a dirty old man looking for salacious content where there is none? But I remember collecting your exam results as being a rather low key sombre affair, like the weekly confession, and not the televised fashion parade it masquerades as now? I guess this "uni" generation into its materialistic lifestyle as soon as the umbilical cord is cut, no better than the green aphid, is the real cause of this nauseating conceited naval gazing obscene spectacle.
  9. There speaks the scum of the earth.
  10. I must say after a number of bad experiences I try not to offer a jocular remark to anybody under age of thirty as they don't seem able to handle it without a smacked arse look, abrupt dismissal, puzzled response.
  11. It's an engrained characteristic of British government to treat the ordinary person as the "scum of the earth". Investment in people is not seen as either profitable or ethically important. We don't have national service in this country because it would require money, planning, care and attention where IMHO nothing could be better experience for a young person than three months service in the Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulances, Hospitals etc. Look at our 25-30 kids to a class creaky old school system that is not fit for purpose before Covid now looks positively lethal for a return to school during the Flu season.
  12. When I observe a young person, in what I always described as the "outside", NOT with their face BURIED DEEP in a fairy tale screen of fantasy and wishful thinking, I will top myself. Blame the parents? I used to wait outside a public telephone box at a prearranged time to exchange a daily call when I first started dating. Sometimes there was also a bit of loose change left in the box for the taking... Happy days! Less is more.
  13. This is true. I went into the brand new Museum of the Med in Marseilles (before Covid) and went through the usual bag check at the entrance, the middle aged chap, who had a familiar accent though he spoke fluent French, doing it turned out to be a Scot! He told me that he had joined the Foreign Legion as a youngster and after retiring from the service the French government supported all veterans with jobs (like this one) and a flat etc. In effect they made sure their ex servicemen were alright. That's the difference between this country and France and you can extrapolate that difference to include the levels of state pensions and even the way their women dress and look after their appearance compared to the average Brit. Then there's the food...
  14. It's not that on line or "digital" is in any sense "superior" to real life tangible retail or any other form of human experience or affairs - it just facilitates a race to the bottom in all aspects of human life based on the lowest price (highest profit) and operating costs. There are a few restricted instabces where information technology results in a greatky improved end product and/or service to people, but these are few and far between. Just to take one example of what has happened in other areas, the impact of digital upon the music industry has been devastating and virtually wiped out the recotding industry with absolutely NO improvement or contribution to live music making. There are also considerations of the way the smartphone in particular has crept into human behaviour like a drug addiction and created, along with public cctv (all done on the cheap via digital technology) a surveillance society.
  15. In these times of all things sanitising and germ killing I would have thought that the "bleach joke" would have dropped out of conversation.
  16. Both. I can do two things at the same time if they involve the same part of the body. Like Sonny Liston and Gavin Williamson, it's moving your arms and legs at the same time I have problems with.
  17. ... and your point Alexander Armstrong?
  18. 1/10 for showing a flicker of consciousness on the level of a parasitic worm.
  19. How to personalise a straightforward comment.
  20. It's lovely to cross lips with you again. It's been so long duckie.
  21. Red faced bacon bonce Adam Holloway, Tory MP, more drivel from the more Brexit than Brexit bullshitter, spouting on Sky News, "I've been to the Calais camps". "I know what they're up to". "Not 'ere, not in my Gravesend, over my dead body." As with his expertise on homelessness in the UK: In April 2018, Holloway said in Parliament that sleeping rough is "a lot more comfortable" than military exercises and that the majority of rough sleepers were "foreign nationals", in a debate on tackling street homelessness. Rival politicians and charities pointed to evidence that 78 homeless people had died the previous winter and that 80% of recorded homeless people were UK nationals. Holloway defended his position during the debate by pointing to his personal experience of being in the army and having spent several months sleeping on the streets as part of a television programme. .... and look at the British Army's track record of supporting its veterans.
  22. In times gone by they would have found the Constantines a substitute little island or territory. In these days Carlos has to settle for a ten thousand euro a night presidential suite in Abu Dhabi near the fucking incestuous Saudis where he hatched his fraudulent plans.
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