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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Do it in private Private Jones. Aaaattenshun!
  2. You are a classic case of running into the past because you find the present so unsatisfactory. There are no answers there and it's a deliberately time wasting diversionary exercise by the CUNTS who are behind it.
  3. Saturday 15 August marks the 75th anniversary of VJ Day. Although many associate the end of the Second World War with VE Day (Victory in Europe Day), it actually occurred several months later when fighting between the Allied forces and Japan came to an end. A two-minute silence is being held today to remember those who lost their lives throughout the war. Not another ceremonial public respect gesture? Why two minutes rather than one? Why THIS and not THAT? Soon we'll be standing up for God Save the Queen. How much commiserating with the past can the PRESENT stand? Instead of breaking our necks looking back or thinking about our history isn't it more essential than ever to look forward? Who are the CUNTS who are behind this - the ones that want all the OLD SHIT to carry on even though it is past its sell by date.* * OLD SHIT = the failed society called Great Britain
  4. That's why Selby was reduced to a crying bucket of recriminations and bad loser shite.
  5. Look no further than... (short list of CC members on request, SAE please)
  6. Aaaah! Childhood! Traumerei. Paul Whitehouse... The Fast Show...
  7. I just filled in - I got the sense you wanted me to have something very special this Christmas. And why not celebrate with a gorgeous 18 year old busty black beauty thrilled with her academic achievements. Sooner or later she has to understand there's more to life than the Cambridge Shorter Modern History and Greek Political Thought, especially when you've already got an ass to die for and a 38" bust we could all spend the rest of the year polishing. Roberto De Niro wasn't wrong.
  8. Die schwarze madchen aus SKY News mit grossen tits sammeln ihrer Prufungsergebniss.
  9. Only a retired ex World Champ could come out with such a patronising comment. By the way, I know you have been badly mauled elsewhere, but don't expect any sympathy from Moi after the drumming you gave me last week.
  10. The Jack the Ripper royal connection. We all know the law and the courts in this country are as bent as a Lagos traffic warden.
  11. The red light I was referring to is a single LED in front of an external CCTV camera with two lenses, one nornal/colour/day + one night/black and white. NOT the red lights showing "volunteers" the way to the Calais Refugee Camp gay sex party.
  12. I'd love to give that black chick a good polishing in the stock room.
  13. Is that the same as the "saveloy" (jumbo size) HoC takes up his arse?
  14. From somebody who chose CSE Social Studies 75% Coursework/25% Exam assessed as an option.
  15. I thought the red light was just a warning to tell anybody looking "I'm watching YOU" It's handy because a lot of people hang dummies outside their property - same with burglar alarms. You get a couple of plastic signs printed with a general legal warning to the public that a cctv is in operation. In theory you are supposed to display them. But who bothers? Much more sinister in my view is the Google cameras constantly filming our streets to feed "Street View". Where's the control or transparency about that?
  16. It's a strange hybrid of Goldie Hawn and Esther Rantzen.
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