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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. It's reaching a clymax, er sorry, climax.
  2. The lamp outside the police station was blue - that's when we had police stations. I got that from Dicks On Cock Green with "Sarge" Jack Warner and his son in law in perpetuity "Andy".
  3. He never had it in first place, che?
  4. Hit a nerve eh? Actually you aren't hard to inflame. The Japs would have loved you.
  5. That's funny, but that's what they said then! What a co-incidence!
  6. Good luck. Calling All Pensioners... Weirdo on the manor.
  7. First it was golf then it was snooker... do you have a problem?
  8. They say the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton which just about sums up the sheer SHIT of the whole thing.
  9. I don't think any country mans up to the job of remembering in the RIGHT WAY. Everything is false and a cover up - before, during and after a war.
  10. Why is every nom FOR YOU a jumping off point for personal abuse? I reckon you jump off more times a day than Tom Daley training for the Games.
  11. Small children, jumpers for goal posts, thrashed 3-0, fighting back the tears, toad in the hole for tea, bedtime, "Oh no Mum, can I stay up a bit longer?", school tomorrow.
  12. I find the whole ceremonial of war shit. My father was in India and they treated the Indians with contempt and valued little their lives very similar to the Japs. Above all the English class system made sure it was the young working class boys who took a disproportionate level of the casualties. They never repeated the mistake of the First World War. I think if we should celebrate anything it would be the Pacifists.
  13. I totally agree. But it's always been little better than the dogs as "sport" so Ronnie fits the bill completely.
  14. The gentleman snooker player? Give me Ronnie any time.
  15. Even his name has a runner up spelling. Makes your heart bleed. "Under extreme pressure"..Poor old Kyren, universal smacked arse expression and a £200,000 runners up prize dangling over him like a sharpened sword of Damocles. What a shame. Only a mere £480,000 earnings in 2019! Televised sport, it's a shit game. Isn't it Kyren?
  16. Go and lick Union Jack arse. Make it a smelly one for me.
  17. It's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know in "modern" Little Britain. That's first rule of life.
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