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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Tricky Dickie would have handled this pandemic a lot better than the orange twat.
  2. OK. Howz Gayhands for Short arses? I'm sure KB was behind the Village People.
  3. You get more like Derek Francis every day. It was so nice I thought I'd come back again for some more.
  4. I am half frog and consequently own an impressive eHarmony strike rate due to my Prince Charming good looks. You may have spotted me in the street.
  5. You've just reminded me to clean out my drawers. Tomorrow.
  6. Leave, mi mate Gok outta it - he luverly and bsides does good business with my DVDs, 3 for 2, Sunday mornings down Leicester Square. U like mister?
  7. I think anybody caught not wearing a mask according to the regulations should be shot on sight, or later, their heads cut off and displayed on poles on London Bridge. Wearing a mask. For a long time I've noticed literally gallons of the milk of human kindness flowing back into CC and in this enlightened liberal atmosphere invite members to offer their choice of alternative punishments.
  8. I mean driving round central Londonistan.
  9. So you don't get to see all the nice things I say about you?
  10. The Syrian number plates are another problem. It doesn't take much to get the Old Bill's attention.
  11. I can't get near enough due to the dogs.
  12. Now funnily enough I like a good ditch, or a dyke, I'm not fussy. There's nothing more satisfying than watching the annual ploughing at rogation time. AHHH... you can't beat Johnny Kingdom's kingdom.
  13. The real tragedy is they think they are coming to Britain to get a good life. Aren't they... aren't... eh?
  14. Excuse me. Most if not virtually all public footpath users are conscientious and responsible. The fucking troublemakers are on Dirt Bikes or local yobbos who treat the countryside like a toilet being born into a shit poor existence in it. They are usually high on drugs and already have a police record when they leave school.
  15. I bet the one in the middle can go all night and takes Bitcoin.
  16. I love a clearly signed back alley.
  17. I do believe you know his identity and have a police artist's likeness of his arse.
  18. I can't see the point of posting selfies and holiday snaps on a serious website.
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