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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. FUCK OFF YOU NAMBY PANDY. I thought they died out years ago, then you roll up... with your fucking argumentative unhelpful interjections. Of course it is a fucking SPIN OFF. Tart. LOL and take care of you.
  2. I suppose Breaking Bad had a better ending, but that was exploited with a sort of prequel spin off Call Saul which added next to nothing about what we already knew about the background and the Colombian drug connection to the plot. Clearly written by a committee running with some of the cult aspects like the Chicken Diner. Then there was a movie? What happened to that? I think it's strange the networks haven't done persuaded or enabled David Chase to do a sequel though there wasn't much left of the cast.
  3. But it wasn't clever. After all it's a TV show and within that context it should have had a better written finale. The real guy in the show was Phil. His end in the petrol station was a bit excessive not that he didn't deserve everything coming to him.
  4. She was a bit high maintenance.
  5. You never know what happens behind the scenes on those big shows. I do know the co-producer was Brad Grey who died in 2017 a Hollywood tycoon who was a right bastard on the money side of the business.
  6. He was an interesting one too. They did do a sort of spin off with him called Lillyhammer which was a bit drawn out IMHO but distinctly different. He went down fighting in the Sopranos. His actual character and the whole nightclub element was a bit far fetched.
  7. I reckon Carmen engineered that final hit on Tony in the diner and Paulie just sleepwalked into the role of a captain in the new order.
  8. Same here. In the episodes where he was given some extended scenes and storylines he was very good. There's a lot of him on YouTube. Apparently he came from the wrong side of the tracks. His brother was on the other side, a priest. Had a bit part in the B Horror flic, Jersey Sharks! Could have easily filled a spin off series of his own - like that lawyer guy in Breaking Bad, "Call Saul", which was largely shit however. I think the director had to bottle Paulie because of his larger than life real life personality he might have taken over.
  9. Thing is he does have a consistency problem but he's certainly got it in him to be the best ever.
  10. I had nothing to do with the burning down of his restaurant.
  11. Absolutely nought. Billiards and pool too. In fact, anything involving two guys bending over a table playing with their balls. I don't mind gay porn.
  12. His face reminds me of a late night doner kebab I had in Greece which cost me four days of severe Tony Soprano sized food poisoning which I doubt I would survive nowadays. Regards from the poor Canton called East Midlands.
  13. I think "closet paedo" is taking it a bit far old bean. Your indignation would carry far more weight if you avoided exaggeration.
  14. The Swiss tax evader has every right to shoot off his dirty hypocritical mouth. Arch Cunt.
  15. So Father Joseph was your form teacher too. You poor bastard.
  16. The kids themselves are bored witless in a dusty flea bitten Bangla village under the strict surveillance of their "elders". They much prefer the dirty flea bitten streets of East London.
  17. Clearly the converted is preaching to a sceptic. If I got the chance I'd feed you to a pack of police alsations on anti-rave duty in Wales.
  18. Young, black and beau.... ...and Martin Luther King Jr III
  19. The stuck up Yankee fools. LOL Longtime no see. Don't come back.
  20. And you're not even ashamed to display this part of your CV. And next thing, you'll be saying you attended Peckham Manor School.
  21. A fine actor was inside struggling to come out. Her Jocasta with Keith Michell's Oedipus was a glimpse of what we lost when her life was tragically cut short by cancer. And don't go there with my first sentence you cunts.
  22. As I just said to the WearyandDisgusted Heard the new one about the TUI flight of 20 year old party animals from Greek party island Zante? Now, although it's a longtime since I got an invite to a party, and generally had to gatecrash when I was a piece of salad, I am not optimistic about avoiding any chain of infections created by these cunts.
  23. Heard the new one about the TUI flight of 20 year old party animals from Greek party island Zante? Now, although it's a longtime since I got an invite to a party, and generally had to gatecrash when I was a piece of salad, I am not optimistic about avoiding any chain of infections created by these cunts.
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