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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Well we all know what you get up to now. Got any recommendations for high powered binoculars?
  2. That's what I thought faced with co-ordinated dog shitting.
  3. That's exactly what I thought when confronted by this spectacle. Clearly that's why they lock the gate 9.00 pm to 7.00 am evety night. It must have been going on. I wonder if it features in the Gay Guide to England and Wales?
  4. If Philip Larkin was alive now I reckon he would be signed up and having this conversation with you.
  5. Do you think they could handle my peculiar sense of humour? Actually, I might throw in a tenner myself as seeding money just to get the pot started.
  6. I quite obvious design flaw. Especially if free of charge. Hordes of dog walkers patrol the public footpaths in twos or groups creating a curious sense of motorway traffic in what should be a rural escape. There seems to be an orchestrated manfestation in the early evening when people marooned on these surrounding faceless bland new housing estates, sans community, sans features, sans facilities or shops, juggle their lives with their dog's shit cycle, and possibly with more than one pooch, their anuses bulging with dog shit, descend on these areas turning them into a travesty of the original design. As they never go more than 100 yards away from the car or down the paths, best thing is to start the walk somewhere else.
  7. In a straight choice between Billy and Punks I'd have to beg for a third choice. A Swiss end of life clinic.
  8. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    I don't know about red handed, I would have thought RED COCKED in the absence of lube which in the old days was called KY Gel.
  9. I thought this topic was hot after today's events. Instead I find myself in the middle of heated bitching displaying tabloid volumes of inter-member acrimony. Can I remind you that the carbon polluters of Broxbourne have a right to live their lives in peace and go about their business eating into the planet's resources without fear of molestation by a brigade of tree hugging Gretas.
  10. First of all, it's always a pleasure to hear from you Punks. Secondly, Les Bushtucker Hiddens is a legendary Australian Outback guide and survival expert. As I have some Kangaroo in my ancestry it's now time for me to hop off. LOL
  11. Apart from 99.9% of your comments, is Les Hiddens (he of the bulbous red hooter) the "Bushtucker" Les who featured in one of Ray Mears shows?
  12. You're right Eratum: I meant that sort of rip off of Up Pompeii (without any comic genius) "Plebs". Tanks LOL
  13. What is this thing about the white ball and the red ball?
  14. That's what she said in the Metro about a year ago. Still on Corrie. Son did well on The Inbetweeners and another series...playwright husband had no problem having his work put on. Totally agree.
  15. There are two decent things to come out of the Land Down Under IMHO. 1) Clive James who epitomised insouciance and Aussie wry wit, both of which have probably become extinct and 2) Ray Mears' deep understanding of the native peoples of Australia, their culture and the outback. Apart from that they are a nation of tight arsed (ask a London cabbie) little islander paranoid neurotics with a deep fear and resentment of Asians., a contempt for people of colour whether they be indigenous or immigrants (like them) and a welcoming open arms policy to nasty fucking white racist refugees from South Africa fleeing the remnants of their white supremacist regime based on strong Protestant values.
  16. Is there a show or series associated with him? Elton has done the musical We Will Rock You which had a long run at the Palace Victoria and of course Blackadder. What fuck has Baddiel done? Produced a monologue version of Maureen Lipman complaining about how bad its getting in UK for Jews and threatening to leave the country. Next thing you know she turns up in Coronation Street!
  17. Can someone remind me of what this cunt's achievements were before he became the non stop whinge exaggerating and bleating about a fairly non-existant social problem. I used to get him mixed up with Ben Elton. The last time I heard about Baddiel was a one night stand at London's Southbank Centre in its smallest venue. I can't imagine what the reception would be or, for that matter, what would be the composition of his audience. I suppose black jodhpurs, a peaked cap and a tight fitting officers tunic topped by an ankle length black leather trench coat wouldn't go down well. Lighten up Dave!
  18. Only a cunter like you, the Super Hod of CC, can do justice to that hairy pillock.
  19. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    The crucial factor here is the Loneliness of the Long Distance Porn Star. He was looking for the love of a good woman.
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