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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I understand that. But just go back over my activity and delete it and it seems to work. Problem solved! I don't intend to run for President
  2. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    Sounds like your talking from experience - all those hot nights in the Caribbean. My doctor says he had six cases of VD from there last week. (he's alright now though)
  3. You've really taken an instant dislike to ChildeHarold haven't you. I bet you love Manfred you perverted beast. PS actually that's quite good. How is old Gatesy? Still doing the bit of singing - bit of stand up?
  4. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    Sorry I am still chewing over your last essay in philosophy.
  5. He's running an England squad that has two players feel fit to invite local girls up to their rooms. Right? Where's the fucking discipline coming down from the top. And the fucking Greece episode and his stance on that. It's a fucking disgrace to the flag.
  6. Is that Gareth Southgate? The fucking gutless weakling with failure written all over his "I can't believe I'm doing this job" face.
  7. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    Once you've had black you never go back. A million grannies and milfs booking their 2021 Costa Rican holidays can't be wrong.
  8. I usually wear an XXXL horseshoe on my cock and balls like a Prince Albert. Fuck the horse it can limp home.
  9. How do I delete old images I uploaded? Many thanks.
  10. On my cock for a quick wank? Please clarify.
  11. The Costa opposite CEX has closed down. A double blow (job)* *that's blow job in Billy talk.
  12. Thanks, and when you untwist your huge testicles tonight, please continue to think of me grafting.
  13. Then you get a link and not the image itself?
  14. And drink it on the shack called home on the beach. Actually Jaywick is ace.
  15. Can I ask a quick question why some of the guys here have bigger attachment allowances than me? And that's got absolutely nothing to do with cock size.
  16. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    I am setting up a tribute site in the best traditions of CC honouring his life and work simply called Remembering Ron. You can leave your own words of compassion, light a candle or place a red rose on the page simply by making a donation to my 2021 holiday fund.
  17. In my area the pubs would have considered it a good night if they could get 6 punters through the door.
  18. That's a big ha ha from him and a small he he from me. Good night. Da da da da da da daaaaah! Da da da da da da daaaaaaaah! Fade to commercials...
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