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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I do care. Have you been accepted into the trial? Let me know when you're dead.
  2. Which lorry rest area are you currently in? Just so I can drive to the other end of the country to avoid contamination.
  3. He's certainly not a full shilling is he? When I was oxygen deprived it turned me into raving nymphomaniac for a few months.
  4. Family or school photos not allowed. Stick it back in the album mate next to mum and dad.
  5. Hang on Billy, you have been a keyboard warrior with me.
  6. Sorry I thought yoy was Eric Cuntman the Cunt. Sincerest apologies and LOL
  7. Still on the thicko theme - go to church and pray for salvation you peasant.
  8. I went to Mo's Memorial Service in Coventry Cathedral Mozart Requiem etc. She was the real architect of the Peace Agreement not Blair. And proper old school Labour. If anybody deserves a fucking statue in Westminster it's her.
  9. Appatently the nipples stand up one last time and you get a good bite on the dying tits.
  10. Is that softened as in Dulcolax you piece of shit?
  11. Love the way you piggy back other comments. Heard of plagiarism?
  12. Here comes the tired old bleach joke. Get those tits out KB.
  13. I thought you was more of a thinking man in the street than a banner waving brexiteer.
  14. You have no idea how much sheer carnage comes with the council estate ex pat. Yeah, the beter off ones (of which amongst the Germans and Scandics we are in a minority) provide a good deal for the Spanish exchequer, but the riff raff like everywhere else, like the flotsam in the Channel, are a drag on the society they enter. Having said that, there are some real sad cases of people justvwanting to get on or escaping persecution or chaos at home. At the back of your mind, if not your conscience, you probably have a thought for the fucking amount of upheaval and trouble this country and the States has visited on the Middle East over the last twenty years if not longer. And all to prop up a filthy rich rich minority who couldn't give a flying fuck about me or you.
  15. And when you shit in the morning it's gold not the biological waste product everyone else produces. Fucking ignoramus.
  16. Since the Mail is the most read yellow rag on the Costa de Sol, I imagine this cunt has gone down well amongst the British immigrants in Spain. Just imagine if Spain was like the Kent coast. What a fucking shit hole that would be. Mind you, some of the cheapo Brits out there are already starting the transformation.
  17. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    RON is the NOM That just Keeps Giving And COMING.
  18. ChildeHarold

    Ron Jeremy

    Ron is the nom that just keeps giving. Like his cock.
  19. That would cure anybody's speech impediment. I suppose sucking her tits was part of holding a good vowel sound.
  20. Another charming and entertaining post from the resident dog.
  21. I prefer Farmer Giles to Father Joseph. What time does he do his round up with Shep?
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