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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I see I've fallen into the hands of a pair of perverts. Clearly, you are just warming up for a round or two later on this afternoon. Make sure your 5 1/2" iron is wiped clean and ready.
  2. What you need is a big fat cock up your arse you suppressed homosexual.
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-54185180 Chris the cunt that just keeps giving. Old Chris just gets better over time, like a good bottle of wine. Must say this bunch of Tories with its Cummings covid contracts for cronies and backhanders is as corrupt and greedy as its predecessors.
  4. I've already reported him to the authorities for abuse.
  5. By the way you fucking cunt, the whole purpose of CC is to cunt what's out there, not to act the cunt yourself, you pathetic sod.
  6. I think the whole lot should be scrapped I know many Tory MPs want that. I'm sure some of the brighter sparks from the stations you like would be able to mount a similar private station along the same lines as there's a good market for talk radio outside of the BBC as the quality of modern music has declined to the point its unlistenable to any normal person over age of 15. We need to get over this national fetish of worshipping the past to the point of paralysis and stagnation and shying away from radical progressive change. EG. HS2, which is really High Speed One!!!!
  7. I'd to have you on a long car journey. You'd soon be abandoned at the first services.
  8. They just lack any style or flair. Ed Sheeran or John Lennon? They have all the faults of the youth of any generation but none of the genius. Fucking dull as shit and easily manipulated with no staying power.
  9. My God you really think you'll get a trade deal from a country run by jew boys who will want 2+2=3 in any deal. Remember previous "deals" with the USA?
  10. Can I move in with your Grandparents? I'm up for adoption and a taste of that £40k would be very nice. I'm sure you'll do the honours.
  11. You certainly cut to the chase. I bet you're also a great shot on the grouse moor.
  12. You said it. Join Bozo the Clown.
  13. But it is a global trend associated with "free" markets and the search for the lowest common denominator - eg mentally unchallenging, bland and playing to basic instincts, the race to the bottom - to leverage consumer spending through associated advertising. We now have bingo ads (a form of gambling that isn't harmless) intersecting teen programming in the 6-7.30pm slot for example Home and Away and Neighbours. It doesn't have to be subliminal - that's too clever - it just needs to be a consistent enveloping wall of information that eventually conditions the subject. I pity all generations that grew up in the periid after 1979 when Thatcher and Reagan came in. They KNOW NO BETTER. The world since 1979 has gone backwards and is fucking boring.
  14. Is it available in Blu Ray? PS if you want to know I had a good clean out earlier on - what are you having tonite?
  15. "I do not blame the dog." I hope you get reincarnated as a tin of Pedigree Chum.
  16. Don't you mean "taking them" up the arse. That school geography field trip to Wales certainly gave him an education.
  17. I regard you as one of the morons.
  18. They make Lorraine Chase and "Luton airport?" sound like the poetry of Wordsworth or Shakespeare? I call it council-estate-slut-speech prevalent across Vodafone 's advertising campaign, Quest TV, especially Salvage Hunters and Bangers and Cash, now doing voiceover links on Channel 4. The depths to which this country has sunk is truly extraordinary with even what little high culture we had before now being watered down to an undemanding populist drool. I quite like some aspects of Gilbert and George's art, but they were part of the fucking 1970s banner ART FOR ALL, picked up by the Left and particularly Red Ken at the GLC when it still run the Southbank Centre. From that point on the cultural and artistic standard at the Southbank Centre collapsed. After extorting huge sums in private donations for a refurbishment that in any other Western civilised country would have been paid for by the government as part of its arts spending, the venues at the Centre offer nothing but Classic FM popular classics and such shit as Concrete Late Night Gigs in the QEH with various DJs fucking wearing out the stunning 1960s cool interior design. At one point "patrons" were taking pints of beer into the auditorium for stand up comedy like the The Pub Landlord. I see no way forward or no way back to the high standards of the 1950s and 1960s. Once you adopt Art For All it's just Bums On Seats, careerist ignorant cunts in charge, and a govt laughing all the way to the bank. And an increasingly dumbed down society.
  19. They make Lorraine Chase and "Luton airport?" sound like the poetry of Wordsworth or Shakespeare? I call it council-estate-slut-speech prevalent across Vodafone 's advertising campaign, Quest TV, especially Salvage Hunters and Bangers and Cash, now doing voiceiver links on Channel 4. The depths to which this country has sunk is truly extraordinary with even what little high culture we had before now being wateted down to an undemanding populist drool. I quite lke some aspects of Gilbert and George's art, but they were part of the fucking 1970s banner ART FOR ALL, picked up by the Left and particularly Red Ken at the GLC when it still run tje Southbank Centre. From that point on the cultural and artistic standard at the Southbank Centre collapsed. After extorting huge sums in private donations for a refurbishment that in any other Western civilised country would have been paid for by the government as part of its arts spending, the venues at the Centre offer nothing but Classic FM popular classics and such shit as Concrete Late Night Gigs in the QEH with various DJs fucking wearing out the stunning 1960s cool interior design. At one point "patrons" were taking pints of beer into the auditorium for stand up comedy like the The Pub Landlord. I see no way forward or no way back to the high standards of the 1950s and 1960s. Once you adopt Art For All it's just Bums On Seats, careerist ignorant cunts in charge, and a govt laughing all the way to the bank. And an increasingly dumbed down society.
  20. The Scandics and Germans laugh at our red top newspaper front pages - for morons.
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