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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. It's not him. Any trade deal has to be ratified by Congress and if there is a hard border it won't be. Simple.
  2. Have they still got those girls they kidnapped a few years ago? I wonder what the international response would have been if they were white?
  3. Wow, you're the cunt who knicked all the CSE history textbooks at school! PS but his model matchstick motte and bailey castle was brilliant!
  4. Country set for Second Lockdown. Welsh government asks for vacancy for Prime Minister to be filled as a matter of urgency. Regions request national co-ordination. Dido squirms her cheap privatisation arse under Select Committee probing testing failure. Hancock savaged by wild Ferrari dog on LBC. Chris Gravy Grayling takes a nice little earner of £100,000 pa for 7 hours a week, from the sector he previously awarded ferry contracts to Brexit cronies who didn't have any boats. Grenfell incriminating documents being shredded or deleted in full view of the so-called Inquiry. Three word catchphrase Cummings response dutifully spun trotted out by Johnson who looks as if he is walking in dead man's shoes. When does it stop? The plunge to a total collapse of the Brexit promise, a chaotic January and the prospect of a US trade deal disappearing on the horizon. When will this fucking embarrassment of a PM and his barrel of shit government step aside?
  5. Funny I have that same problem with condoms.
  6. That's why you're in charge of it? You know everything.
  7. I think he was the last great Soviet leader of any stature.
  8. With respect, I consider the premature death of Leonid Brezhnev the single biggest catastrophe of the Twentieth Century.
  9. Unfortunately their education was governed by a short cut strategy, mentally and physically.
  10. It wil inevitably have that effect by accelerating changes that were already taking place and possibly introducing a few new ones. Ultimately the inefficiency of market driven societies compared with centrally controlled more authoritarian states to gear up to a pandemic or national emergency is a lesson that cannot be ignored. Further, societies that have promoted diversity and ethnic minorities largely living in self contained cultural pockets, oblivious to the needs of social distancing etc, such as post colonial divide and rule Britain are at an overall disadvantage. Lacking hegemony, lacking strong professional leadership, set on a bizarre path of proving to itself it still has an independent major role in the world, even if it means obvious long term damage, the UK is likely to fall further behind.
  11. I am willing to supply a dozen whisky minatures to get you started.
  12. I already have a financial advisor called The Man From Del Monte. Before that it was Conrad Black but he got banged up for major Rolex fraud.
  13. Is the KB referring to his brain or something else? All you need Billy is a good dose of delirium tremens culminating in a fatal epileptic fit to obtain a reset. Then we dump you in a hole.
  14. Fucking scrap the BBC girls boarding school.
  15. Same ere, staying at home wasn't expected, wanted or possible. And one more thing. All the time I hear how hard it is for youngsters today to get on the housing ladder. Well fuck me, it was very hatd back in the 60s and 70s and 80s. And most of us didn't have rich fucking grandma or dads to help out with a fat wedge for a deposit. Fucking soft whining cunts.
  16. I never and couldn't have lived off the fucking bank of mum and dad like today's stay at home softies.
  17. So, your Brian the Dog not the Ape.
  18. You just have to go and spoil it in the last sentence don't you naughty boy!
  19. Too much information. Where do you think you are? NHS 111?
  20. Cunt Control in full swing! I might send it to Trucking Funt as he badly needs a good laugh and I feel sorry for the pathetic cunt.
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