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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I think single motherhood is the one social evil that should be hounded out of society by ostracisation or a return to mass organised religion, preferably both. We haven't heard nuch about the teen pregnancy epidemic that swept this country (and was significantly absent on the Continent where the family and social cohesion is stronger) but an element of this was white girls from weak or broken family backgrounds sleeping around with blacks who naturally said I don't mind if I do. That's an inner city problem reinforced by dishing out council accommodation, grants, benefits galore and feminist fuelled services. On top of that at drugs and gangs and government cuts across the board and you have a recipe for disaster. And it all starts with that little cunt and his type in the video.
  2. There you go, undoing all the credit points I was giving you in the last fell sentence. By that, you consigned yourself to sharing a special place in hell with Joe and Stacey.
  3. Actually you have to admire the lengths some talentless fucks will go to stay on TV. There should be a special award for that category. What helps them is they easily blend into the boring fucking woodwork of modern television. Even kids channels like Pop on Freeview or the Sky channels are dominated by dreadfully bland American shit with smarmie Yankee kids with predictably perfect teeth acting as a link between intensive commercial advertising for American toys all with the same shrill American accents. The common language of English is a fucking curse permitting coca cola imperialism.
  4. I probably shot from the hip without using my Arthur Dickhead. Apologostic. LOL
  5. Like you sit back and enjoy riding his cock no doubt.
  6. Covid has shown the West is just three paychecks away from the stone age my dear boy. So don't be so patronising or smug. Or I'll get Ray Mears onto you.
  7. I mean that unrepresentative big mouthed tiny section of the black population, like our white cunts, and there are many more of them, that acts crudely, talks crude and is generallyvan itter fucking disgrace, the illegitimate off spring of single mothers in bad neighbourhoods.
  8. Previous post directed to someone else sorry Weary.
  9. I am sure a few of these avatars are being spun from a single warped imagination. Any offers Punks as to who they might belong to?
  10. Only three. They call a two faced cunt like King Billy a KIPPER.
  11. You are a man of multiple (I almost said talents) personalities. That's if you are a man and not called Eve.
  12. Shithead. Do yourself a favour and donate to Unicef. Kids don't come in one colour. Racist cunt.
  13. I call it a covid secure incontinence pad that is made from recycled face masks sourced from within my bubble.
  14. Dickhead from the Dick. Ha ha ha. Yoy really are the full package. LOL.
  15. Please change my nappy Billy and don't suck the shit.
  16. Thus spake the spastic himself. PS I love your new avatar LOL
  17. Can I add to Major Cunt my admiration of your gay wit and understanding of the riposte in everyday speech.
  18. I'm alerting Simon Armitage to your poetic talent. You two will hit it off I know.
  19. Why not? I would have strict racial quotas applied to all children's programmes enjoyed by drooling 60+ year olds.
  20. If I could only plant my steel capped winklepicker right in his throat.
  21. Perhaps all the Northern Irish should be fitted with an NHS Butt Plug, that would at least close one of the openings. Perhaps tje whole of Ulster should be shaped like a Butt Plug. Covered in shit.
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