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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I knew that static caravan park was just a front for something dark and sinister. Blaze will probably make a UFO program about in fifty years.
  2. By the way Munich is still going ahead with a third runway. I thought I'd just rub that in to your Brexit wounds.
  3. They say all dogs not called Brian can potentially carry and spread covid 19.
  4. I see the Special Brews are going down faster than usual.
  5. You're dead right and stems from this relentless American competitiveness which is raised to unhealthy and socially divisive levels by Yankee media and news. It is all about self comparisons with others. And that inevitably means comparing with two extremes, either much better than you, or much worse than you. A recipe for long term depression and over medication with opioids etc. All of which is rife in Yankee land. Either that pull out a gun and start blowing people away. Another peculiar Yankee trait. They see kids as a natural hook for this kind of shitty psychological strategy.
  6. It's the electro-magnetic version of Creuzfeld Jacob Bovine Spongi..... eeeerrrhhhh... Gold Girls Golden Golden Girls, eighty year old cunts on the prowl 24 hrs a day, fucking funny?
  7. By half term we'll all be croaking with this fucking govt of clowns "in charge". Have you got your Kent Access Pass yet?
  8. Can I get a sensible reply out of you? Are you in some sort of stand up comedy induced coma?
  9. I have an imposter KB. Some shit edited my response to you. I don't know who the fuck Chardonnay is. But by all means get a dog mate.
  10. My God that Stubby Pecker is a downright pervert.
  11. What's "bukkake"? Could you give a detailed definition based on your experience?
  12. The Right Honourable Goofy Gove is transitioning into half Keith Joseph/half Hitler: "I blame the German nation and British business for my Brexit border failure." * By the way, anybody applying for a Kent Access Pass in order to visit Billy's caravan on the Ashford lorry park? *I should think the average British import/exporter has enough on his plate with covid let alone preparing for a self inflicted commercial kick up the arse called Brexit Bonkers.
  13. I am sure a few of these avatars are being spun from a single warped imagination. Any offers Punks as to who they might belong to?
  14. That Hopcraft Country on Sky is a blinding new series.
  15. I think we tend to see only the extremes of choc ice conformity and racial stereotyping on the American shit films and tv shows imported into this poor relation of the American south. We are cursed with a common language. Add to that damned statistics and you have your Social Darwinist views.
  16. You propably contributed to teen motherhood you insatiable monster. I'd like to have you spayed.
  17. She could probably out ramble him. But would she be able to communicate in click language with native herders from the Transvaal?
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